Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: The Sounds of Silence --
How Sweet It Would Be via Blog by Justin Raimondo on Jul
30, 2007
Kenneth Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon, two top Democratic party foreign
policy mavens, were instrumental in bringing around the Democrats in
the run-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Now they're back,
with more advice: we're winning and the "surge" needs to go on until at
least 2008. And we should listen to them ... exactly why? Their
predictions weren't all that great last time around. Here's Pollack on
the eve of the invasion:

"I believe that we are going to have to go war with Iraq sooner rather
than later. The reason that it has to be sooner rather than later is
because of Iraq's development of nuclear weapons. ... the problem is that
containment was a good policy when it was put in place, but by 1996,
'98, we realized that it really was failing. The inspectors weren't
finding anything. The Iraqis had gotten so good at hiding their weapons
of mass destruction that the inspectors just couldn't find anything."

The reason they weren't finding anything is because nothing was there.
But that wasn't an option for Senor Pollack. After all, he had an
agenda ...

O'Hanlon had -- has? -- an identical agenda, and was similarly
completely, utterly, and totally wrong about Iraq's alleged "weapons of
mass destruction":

"What we know for a fact from a number of defectors who've come out of
Iraq over the years is that Saddam Hussein is absolutely determined to
acquire nuclear weapons and is building them as fast as he can."

And this nonsense, uttered in the winter of 2003:

"Democrats implicitly assume that Iraq will still be as big a national
problem come election time next fall. That assumption is probably
wrong. For one thing, a number of trends in Iraq today--in the education
and health sectors, in electricity levels, in availability of fuels for
cooking and heating, and in market activity--are more positive than
commonly appreciated.

"Perhaps most crucially, U.S. troops in Iraq will almost surely be
fewer in number--and less exposed to attack--come next fall."

Tell me this: why in the name of all that's holy should anybody listen
to these guys -- about anything? What this warmongering duo needs to do
is take a vow of silence for the next decade or so.

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