Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Luke Ryland via Blog by Scott Horton on 10/30/07
Download audio file (07_10_30_ryland.mp3)

Luke Ryland, proprietor of the blogs Against All Enemies and Let Sibel
Edmonds Speak, discusses the story of former contract FBI translator
Sibel Edmonds, her newly announced willingness to defy her gag order in
order to get her story out, the stonewalling of the courts and the
Congress, her credibility and accusations of criminal activities
against various prominent Congressmen, cabinet members,
neoconservatives, military industrial complex executives, and lobbyists
for Israel and Turkey.

MP3 here. (42:51)

Luke Ryland blogs at Against All Enemies, Let Sibel Edmonds Speak, Kill
the Messenger, Disclose Denny, and WotIsItGood4. He lives in Tasmania.

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