It's all about ISRAEL, period. Where's the analysis and calculations of
the AMERICAN interest? Ain't there, not even slightly -- which is why
the United States is heading for a major crash. How did so many
American politicians get stuck in this self-destructive, robotic
groove? There's the question.


He [McCain] also went on to say that we shouldn't be so quick to judge
Hagee because he's a big supporter of Israel and also supports an
indefinite occupation of Iraq.


Lovely -- that should make Hagee aces in our book -- a permanent
American occupation of Iraq on behalf of Israel. Hagee also supports
igniting Armageddon as soon as possible.

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Can't Walk Away via
Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall on 3/11/08
Last we heard from John McCain he was denouncing John Hagee's
anti-Catholic statements while holding on to his endorsement. But now
McCain seems to be having second thoughts. Today McCain went on Hugh
Hewitt's Bill Bennett's show and explained that while he would condemn
Hagee's anti-Catholic remarks if they were actually anti-Catholic that
he's not actually sure they were anti-Catholic. He now points out that
Hagee says the remarks were taken out of context and that he'd
appreciate if Hagee can be allowed to explain his remarks.
"Well, obviously I repudiate any comments that are anti-Semitic or
anti-Catholic, racist, any other. And I condemn them and I condemn
those words that Pastor Hagee apparently -- that Pastor Hagee wrote. I
will say that he said that his words were taken out of context, he
defends his position. I hope that maybe you'd give him a chance to
He also went on to say that we shouldn't be so quick to judge Hagee
because he's a big supporter of Israel and also supports an indefinite
occupation of Iraq.

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