[Phil Weiss on a heroic quest to salvage the best of the Jewish
tradition, speaking in the finest prophetic voice of the Old
Testament... History will judge Weiss to have gotten these issues
right... And let me emphasize that excessive greed is a universal human
phenomenon, not confined to any particular ethnic or religious group...]

Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Yes, Richard, I Have Too
Much Money via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 3/12/08
Richard Witty has challenged me, re my belief that Jews make too much
money: "Do you have too much money? Do you think I do?"

I don't know about you Richard, but I think I do. And no, I don't have
the strength of character to give any back, I am competitive as the
next jerk. But I do think there's something terribly wrong with a
society that has created such a gulf between the rich and the poor, in
part through the work of the tax code and the hedge funds and the
elitist meritocracy. I would like to see a much fairer society, and
would vote against my economic self-interest on that score. (As Jews
often do). As I have said before, the chattering classes are utterly
separated from the battering ones. Iraq was enabled by that separation.

The reason I single out my people, Jews, is that I believe our
unprecedented wealth (unprecedented in our history) has created 1, a
political imbalance in the life of this democracy, in which
presidential candidates kowtow to American Jewry, trying to be further
and further right on horrifying injustices in the Middle East, which
they conspire in blinding the American people to and 2, a real if
unacknowledged crisis in Jewish values. I believe 1, is a subject for
journalism and political speechifying and even legislation. I think 2
is just a subject for journalism and inquiry and soul-searching.

I am routinely shocked by extravagant behavior in the next Jewish
generation that would have been unheardof in mine or my parents. I find
it shallow, materialistic, thoughtless. It seems to me to be corrupting
a great tradition and damaging Jewish values of learning. I know that
another commenter said this is true of many rich people today. I agree.
But I am talking about my spiritual tradition. And my tone, "Oy, My
People Are Too Rich" was meant to convey that this is a lament...

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