Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Musing via Cyc List by
cyc on 9/13/08 If you watch the OpenCyc Semantic Web main page as
obsessively as we do, you may have noticed a new feature: a purplish
box that displays random "thoughts" from Cyc, with the concepts linked
to the corresponding OpenCyc endpoints. It's a quick hack, but it
illustrates the sort of thing that you can do if you combine the power
of the free OpenCyc vocabulary with some of the sophisticated AI that
makes up the whole Cyc system. In this case, what we're taking
advantage of is Natural Language Generation. Those sentences you see
aren't just strings; they're parts of the Cyc Knowledge Base that have
been converted into English, automatically. As well as NL Generation,
Cyc has capabilities for some Natural language understanding too; we'll
be demonstrating that in the coming months.

In the meantime, play around with the Random Cyc Thoughts - get an idea
of just some of the sorts of things you can say with the OpenCyc
vocabulary. And keep coming back here to check for updates.

Oh. A couple of final words: not everything that appears in the Cyc
Thoughts is actually believed, as it were, by Cyc. Some of the thoughts
are things the KB thinks might be true. Others are things that are
known to be false, in the real world, and only true in a particular
context (MicroTheory). It's also worth observing that some of the
thoughts are obvious: but that's part of the point - computers need to
know the obvious things that we all know, too.

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