Let the people do what they want, you get Woodstock. Let the government do 
what it wants, you get WACO!....Mary.

What in the Hell just happened?

bailout gse asia
It's the usual question that someone asks after getting hit over the head and 
mugged, or if they were in the immediate vicinity of an explosion.
For the American taxpayer, both of those things happened during these past two 
So many unprecedented events took place in such a short period of time that it 
was hard to keep up. Lots of people said lots of scary things, but few stopped 
to break down the most important issues, which are: a) how did we get here, b) 
what exactly is being done, and c) what does it all mean.
I'm going to try to help with those question.

Congratulations! You now own the mortgage industry!
To tell the story of how we arrived at the bailout and virtual nationalization 
of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac you have to go back to March 20, when the Bush 
Administration decided that it was going to use Fannie and Freddie's reserve 
capital to bail out the entire real estate sector. The capital reserves were 
supposed to help in the event of a catastrophic financial event, like the 
meltdown of the real estate market.
"Additional capital will enable the companies to help more homeowners and will 
strengthen the underlying fundamentals of the mortgage market."
- Treasury Secretary Paulson
Strike 1 for the bailout team.

Then the Bush Administration decided that all they needed was a "bazooka" (as 
Secretary Paulson called it) of bailout legislation to restore confidence in 
the massive mortgage giants. As it turned out the threat of nationalization 
crashed Fannie and Freddie stock, instead of bolstering it as the Bush 
Administration planned. Thus the $5 Trillion bailout became a necessity.
Which proves that neither the Bush Administration, nor the financial media, 
really understand the markets.
Strike 2 for the bailout team.
A week ago Fannie and Freddie got bailed out for a minimum of $200 Billion in 
taxpayer dollars. Most likely it is going to cost a lot more than that.
End of story, right? Wrong.
It turns out that the White House gang that can't shoot straight, in forcing 
Fannie and Freddie into default, and then nationalizing them, caused an even 
larger problem.
Congratulations! You now own the largest insurance company in the world!
Let me introduce you to the concept of credit default swaps.
Basically they are an insurance policy on debt (ie bonds) that a third party 
sells in case the debtor defaults on their obligations.
To give you a quick and dirty explanation, Fannie and Freddie handled the 
largest source of debt in the entire world (ie mortgages). That makes it also 
the source of the largest need for insurance (ie credit default swaps) on that 
debt in the world. And who is going to handle all that insurance? Why the 
largest insurance company in the world - AIG.
Which brings us to the problem of the Fannie and Freddie bailout.

The U.S. government's seizure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has triggered more 
than $1 trillion of credit default swaps tied to the mortgage giants.
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association said in a memo on Monday 
that 13 major credit default swap dealers unanimously agreed that a credit 
event had occurred.
By nationalizing the mortgage giants we also triggered an event that caused 
$1.5 Trillion in credit default swaps to be paid out to their holders, and AIG 
was right in middle of that.
Strike 3 for the bailout team.
Within just a few days AIG was getting bailed out by the American taxpayer to 
the tune of $85 Billion.
Oh, one other thing about that AIG that didn't get much press: the Fed 
suspended a few rules that exist to protect shareholders. What does this mean?

The conglomerate financial firms are permitted at this point to use private 
individual brokerage account funds to relieve their own liquidity pressures. 
This represents unauthorized loans of your stock account assets. So next, if 
the conglomerate fails, your stock account is part of the bankruptcy process.

Congratulations! You're broke! 
Not everyone got bailed out this week.
Lehman Brothers were allowed to fail, the largest bankruptcy in American 
history, thus moral hazard was reintroduced to the market place...well, sort of.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York took the unusual step of providing some 
$87 billion in financing to units of bankrupt Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc to 
prevent disruption in trading markets as customers flee, according to a filing 
on Tuesday.
Oh, yeah. Did we forget to mention the $87 Billion that we loaned Lehman 
Brothers after they went broke? Why would we do something like that?
Despite the $87 Billion loan, Lehman still couldn't manage to pay its bills. It 
seems that Lehman Brothers still owed Freddie Mac a $1.2 Billion, due 
After the market closed Friday, the 12th bank of the year was taken over by the 
All year long the Federal Reserve has been swapping out the liquid treasury 
bonds in its portfolio for somewhat questionable mortgage-backed securities 
from investment banks. This week the Fed expanded this program to include 
largely worthless and illiquid securities from banks.

So why is this important? Because the Fed portfolio was largely already 
poisoned with illiquid assets and the treasury bonds were mostly depleted. 
Which brings up the problem of how the Fed can expand this program. The answer: 
more borrowing by the treasury.

The Treasury has added almost $300 billion in extra borrowing to offset the 
impact of central bank programs aimed at helping troubled financial markets and 
the economy, Karthik Ramanathan, director of the Treasury's debt management 
office, said in the text of a speech at a conference in New York.
What this means is that the Treasury is borrowing money from the Federal 
Reserve, at interest that the taxpayer is paying, that it doesn't need to 
borrow. To put it another way, the taxpayer is now subsidizing the Federal 
Reserve so it can bail out the Wall Street banks.
World markets roiled
Russia's stock market crashed this week. You didn't notice? In fact Russia 
completely suspended all trading for two days. Both the Russian government and 
the Chinese government are now actively buying equities in order to prop up 
their markets.
As the credit markets seized up, interbank lending rates (ie LIBOR) literally 
doubled overnight.

All this caused Mayro Bloomberg to ask, who is going to buy our debt? He's not 
the only one asking - China is too.

BEIJING (Reuters) - Threatened by a "financial tsunami," the world must 
consider building a financial order no longer dependent on the United States, a 
leading Chinese state newspaper said on Wednesday.
This nervousness at the increasing size of federal bailouts has caused our 
foreign creditors to demand higher interest rates on their loans due to the 
increasing chance of America going bankrupt. The market now judges our chances 
of going bankrupt at twice the levels of Austria, Finland and Sweden. 

Is this what Bush means by Ownership Society?
Which brings us to the massive government bailout that Paulson proposed on 

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is asking Congress to let the government 
buy $700 billion in toxic mortgages in the largest financial bailout since the 
Great Depression, according to a draft of the plan obtained Saturday by The 
Associated Press.
This isn't just the largest bailout in American history, it's the largest in 
human history. It's a huge transfer of wealth from the working class to the 
investment class. Simple as that.

There is a winner in all this - foreign investors.

Further, since I assume the plan will apply to all mortgage debt, U.S. 
taxpayers will also be on the hook to bail out foreign institutions that loaded 
up on the financial sludge. However, once the government takes them off the 
hook, do not expect them to re-invest the windfall back into other U.S. dollar 
denominated assets. This get-out-of-jail free card will likely scare them 
straight. The global mass exodus from the U.S. dollar and Treasury debt is 
about to begin.
If this bailout happens, not only will it fail to rescue the financial economy 
(like all the bailouts that have happened so far), not only will it fail to 
rescue the real estate market (like all the bailouts that have happened so 
far), it will end up making things worse (like all the bailouts that have 
happened so far).
What's more, it will ensure that America's near future will end in bankruptcy 
and the destruction of the dollar.
It's time to stop trying to avoid the consequences of our actions by pushing 
out the costs onto our children and grandchildren. It's time to do the moral 
thing and accept the consequences for living beyond our means for years and 
The alternative, as being pitched by the Bush Administration, will only make 
things worse for the working American family anyway. We need to tell Congress 
"no" to this bailout, and we need to do it this week. Any other option leads to 
an inflationary depression in America that will start with the next presidency.

http://www.economic populist. org/?q=content/ what-hell- just-happened

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