yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

On Sep 23, 5:48 am, "mike532 [ Republicans for Obama ]"
> Sarah Palin, by the Numbers
> Sarah Palin may lie, but numbers don't. Her record speaks for 
> itself:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-kurtzman/sarah-palin-by-the-numb...
> 2007: the year in which Sarah Palin first obtained a passport (Source)
> 312: the number of nights during her first 19 months in office that
> Palin charged taxpayers a "per diem" totaling $16,951 for staying in
> her own home -- an allowance intended to cover meals and incidental
> expenses while traveling on state business (Source)
> $500 to $1,200: the fee that Wasilla charged rape victims to pay for
> post-sexual assault medical exams, after the city cut funds during
> Palin's tenure that had previously covered the exams (Source)
> $150: the cash payment offered by the Palin administration to hunters
> who turn in legs of freshly killed wolves gunned down from airplanes
> (Source)
> 3: the number of times during her first few weeks as mayor that Palin
> inquired with the Wasilla librarian about banning books (Source)
> 3: the number of months after the censorship discussion that Palin
> fired the librarian (Source)
> 100: the approximate number of Wasilla residents who rallied to
> support the librarian, prompting Palin to withdraw her termination
> letter (Source)
> 0: the number of foreign heads of state Palin has met (Source)
> 0: the number of commands Palin has issued as head of the Alaska
> National Guard (Source)
> 2: the number of times in Palin's ABC News interview that she said the
> word "nucular" (Source)
> 0: Wasilla's long-term debt when Palin took office in 1996 (Source)
> $18.6 million: the long-term debt Palin racked up by the time she left
> office in 2002, amounting to about $3,000 per resident (Source)
> $50,000: the amount of city funds Palin used without authorization to
> redecorate the Wasilla mayor's office, including adding flocked, red
> wallpaper that made it look "like a bordello," according to a former
> Wasilla City Council member (Source)
> 33: the percentage by which Palin increased the budget of Wasilla
> during her tenure, despite billing herself as a fiscal conservative
> and champion of smaller government (Source)
> 25: the percentage by which Palin raised the local sales tax in
> Wasilla to pay for a sports center, despite claims that she cut taxes
> (Source)
> $27 million: the total amount of federal earmarks Palin secured for
> Wasilla's town of 6,700 people while she was mayor, thanks to the help
> of a Washington lobbyist with ties to indicted Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK)
> and convicted felon Jack Abramoff (Source)
> 3: the number of times John McCain specifically criticized earmarks
> requested by Sarah Palin when she was mayor of Wasilla, citing them as
> examples of wasteful spending (Source)
> $453 million: the total amount of earmarks Palin has asked U.S.
> taxpayers to fund for Alaska projects over the past two years, despite
> McCain's insistence that she hasn't sought earmarks or special-
> interest spending from Congress (Source)
> $506.34: the amount of federal earmarks Alaska residents will receive
> per capita in 2008, the highest level of any state (Source)
> $223 million: the earmark secured for the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere"
> that Palin initially supported before opposing (Source)
> $223 million: the amount of money designated for the "Bridge to
> Nowhere" that Palin ultimately used for other projects, rather than
> returning it to the federal government (Source)
> 20: the percentage of domestic energy that Palin claims Alaska
> produces (Source)
> 3.5: the actual percentage share of domestic energy Alaska produces
> (Source)
> 0: the number of people in America who know more about energy than
> Sarah Palin, according to John McCain (Source)
> $600,000: the loss at which Palin sold the governor's jet after making
> a show of placing it on eBay. It was eventually sold to a Palin
> campaign contributor who paid $2.1 million (more than 20% less than
> the original $2.7 million purchase price). (Source)
> 1: the number of private tanning beds Palin installed in the
> governor's mansion after taking office (Source)
> 1.5: the approximate number of hours Palin spent on a refueling
> layover in Ireland, which the McCain campaign cited as part of her
> foreign policy experience (Source)
> 0: the actual amount of time Palin spent in Iraq during a 2007 visit
> to the region, despite the McCain campaign's claim she had visited the
> Iraq battle zone. She never made it beyond the Khabari Alawazem
> Crossing in Kuwait. (Source)
> 2006: the year in which Palin declared she favors abstinence-only
> education and that "the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my
> support" (Source)
> 2008: the year in which Palin's 17-year-old daughter was impregnated
> by a self-described "f***ing redneck," who wrote on his MySpace page
> "I don't want kids" and "ya f*** with me I'll kick ass" (Source)
> 9: the number of U.S. Geological Survey studies concluding that the
> habitat of Alaska's polar bears is threatened by global warming, which
> Palin discounted as "insufficent evidence" when she sued the Bush
> administration to overturn its decision to list polar bears under the
> Endangered Species Act (Source)
> 5: the number of colleges Palin attended over six years before
> graduating in 1987 from the University of Idaho with a major in
> journalism (Source)
> 500: the number of Fortune 500 companies Sarah Palin is not qualified
> to run, according to McCain adviser Carly Fiorina (Source)
> 50: the number of days after Palin announced she "will fully
> cooperate" with an ethics investigation into the "Troopergate" scandal
> that the McCain campaign announced she was "unlikely to cooperate"
> because it had been "hijacked" by Obama operatives. The probe was
> unanimously authorized by a bipartisan panel of eight Alaska
> Republicans and four Democrats. (Source)
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