Hey Doc,

Well, actually, I hate to see you go.  You on occasion brought up some
interesting points,  unlike some of your brethren who fall into the "Wacko
Left, Socialist Elitist Moonbat" Camp.

Sometimes the truth hurts Doc!  Is that what this is all about?  That you
are actually starting to see the light, and it is scaring ya?   The last
thing you need to do, if this is actually the case, is bail now!  Hang on, I
will start sending you daily excerpts from Ronald Reagan's Diary!

More importantly, Frank will be lost without another individual here in the
group, who actually understands the socialist/communist concepts and agrees
with him!!

I hope you might reconsider.....I don't know too many socialist/communists
who can express themselves as well as you and Frank do, and I am beginning
to tire of the Moonbats here in the Group, who can only spin MoveOn.org's or
the Daily Kos's talking points, and then, when confronted, they are at a
loss as to what to say!

Hang In There,

Keith, In Tampa

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