Here's another guy like our present Bush and Cheney who is super rich.
Owns between 7 and 12 homes - some are condominiums. Household
servants are paid over $200,000 a year. And he was always rich. His
mother's dad discovered oil so she was very wealthy. That explains why
he went to private schools. And these kind of super rich people are
often out of touch with the needs of ordinary people and often don't
care about them. Maybe why McCain doesn't want to raise minimum wages.
Obama and Biden both know what it's like to work for a paycheck. We
know he's old. He would be the oldest president ever. He was a D
student in both high school and college, and barely graduated from
either, while Barack Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, and
has taught college classes as a professor for many years. Keating 5
scandal and Vicki Eiseman scandal. McCain has had trouble taking money
from lobbyists throughout his 26 year congressional career, while the
honest way Barack Obama has run his campaign should tell us something
about his honesty. John McCain had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
admittedly from Vietnam. He has severe arthritis requiring him to take
extra strength prescription painkillers just to function. High
cholesterol. Recurring melanoma skin cancer which 7,800 people a year
die from and probably causes his puffy face. Very severe anger
management problems. McCain admits in his autobiography that he has
gotten so angry on several occasions throughout his life that he has
passed out. Thats a pretty extreme problem and yet McCain hasn't had a
psychological evaluation for 15 years. See
Barack Obama is healthy. If these two men were competing for an
important CEO job I don't think McCain would even be considered just
for his poor high school and college grades alone.
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