*Obama has changed his game plan and is openly showing the American people
and the world his true colors...


by Michael Connelly, U.S. Constitutional Attorney

Barack Hussein Obama masquerades as the President of the United States when
in fact he considers himself Emperor of the World. He took an oath of
office to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United
States” and then began violating that oath as soon as he was sworn in.

In previous articles on my blog I have listed his impeachable offenses and
have drawn up legal Articles of Impeachment that are now in the Judiciary
Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. In addition, I have posted
an article titled “Aid and Comfort” pointing out how Obama has committed
acts that are clearly treasonous under the definition of treason provided
in Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Obama has continuously tried to cover up and explain away his
unconstitutional and treasonous actions over the past six years and has
been somewhat successful since he has had his minions in the
Administration, Congress and mainstream news media providing cover for his
lies. However, recently I have noticed that this man is now so emboldened
by his successes and the lack of effective opposition that he has changed
his game plan and is openly showing the American people and the world his
true colors.

This became evident to me when I began looking at Obama’s list of Best
Friends Forever (BFFs) and his corresponding list of people and nations not
on his BFF list but on his enemies list. So who is on these two lists?

          *Obama’s BFFs:*

   1. *The Iranian leadership.* Obama has embraced this Jihadist regime
   that is the world’s number one supporter of terrorism. It is a nation that
   vows to destroy Israel and kill all Jews and to further destroy the United
   States. Yet, rather than defend our country and our allies Obama is
   preparing to strike a deal that will save Iran’s struggling economy, allow
   it to continue its support of Hamas and other terrorist organizations, and
   develop its own nuclear weapons.
   2. *The Muslim Brotherhood.* This is an organization that has a
   manifesto calling for the entire world to be forced to live under Sharia
   law.It publically supports Jihad as a valid method to destroy all
   non-Muslim nations. Obama has been openly supportive of the brotherhood
   since he took office. Representatives of the organization are frequently
   invited to the White House for meetings and even social functions. He has
   members working in his administration and supported the Brotherhood when
   they set up a repressive regime in Egypt.
   3. *Communist Cuba.* By embracing the Castro brothers and their
   repressive Communist regime Obama is spitting in the face of the millions
   of Americans of Cuban ancestry who fled to this country over the years.
   Cuba has been used as a base for operations against our nation by the
   former Soviet Union and the Communist Chinese. It has also been exporting
   terrorism throughout Central and South America for years. Now Obama is
   rewarding this bad behavior.
   4. *Communist China.* I can’t remember Obama ever saying anything really
   negative about the lack of human rights in Communist China. Instead, he
   refers to them as political disagreements with the U. S. and ultimately
   renders them meaningless. In fact, when Michelle took their daughters to
   China in March 2014 she had nothing but praise for the Communist regime. Of
   course the Chinese are also major supporters of terrorism around the world.
   5. *LGBT rights groups.* According to the mainstream media LGBTs make up
   over ten percent of the U.S. population. However, a recent study funded by
   the Federal government puts the figure at less than three percent.
   Interesting that this has been suppressed. Of course, the truth is
   irrelevant to Obama, particularly when it comes to his BFFs like the LGBT
   groups. Obama fully supports their gestapo tactics that are trying to
   destroy the rights of freedom of religion and freedom of speech of everyone
   who disagrees with their views.
   6. *Illegal aliens.* This group is obviously one that Obama adores. They
   are violating American laws,just by being here, but Obama is using taxpayer
   dollars to provide them with transport into the U.S. , free housing,
   education, food, medical care, and a path to citizenship and the “right to
   vote” for democrats for the rest of their lives. If they don’t, they risk
   losing all of their free stuff. By the way, ignore the fact that many of
   the illegals are foreign terrorists, drug cartel members, and violent gang
   members.That is all part of the plan to bring America to its knees.

*Not Obama’s BFFs*

   1. Christians, particularly those being slaughtered by Muslims around
   the world.
   2. Members of the U.S. military and their families..
   3. Military veterans.
   4. Gun owners and all others who support the Second Amendment.
   5. Supporters of the Right to Life.
   6. All journalists and anyone else who dares to disagree with him.
   7. Supporters of the Constitution of the United States.
   8. Tea Party members.
   9. Believers in American Exceptionalism.
   10. Believers in a free market economy.
   11. Anyone who supports traditional marriage.
   12. Israel and many other countries allied with the U.S.
   13. If you belong to one of these groups you are on Obama’s enemy list.
   I am proud to be on all of them.

Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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