*Here’s How the Religion of Peace Celebrates Today: The International Day
of Peace*

By Bethany Blankley <http://constitution.com/author/bethanyblankley>
September 21, 2016

*Today is the International Day of Peace, a day to recognize nonviolence.
Here’s how the cult that continuously calls itself “the religion of peace”
celebrates nonviolence.*

*Today, September 21, 2016,
ISIS executed six boys with a welding rod and flogged three men for playing
football (soccer) in the Nineveh region of Iraq.*

*The boys were handcuffed before a welding machine and rod were used to
kill them in a public execution. Their crime? Watching football (soccer)
and wearing a t-shirt with the name of a superstar footballer, Lionel

*On September 21, 2015:* the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG),
<http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-36138554> one of the most violent
jihadist groups in the *Philippines,* abducted four civilians from the
Holiday Oceanview Marina in Camudmud village, Samal Island, Davao del Norte
province, Philippines. Two Canadian hostages were killed. No one knows what
happened to the other two. ASG’s name means “bearer of the sword.” The
group’s trademark is for kidnapping for ransom, and attacking civilians and
the army. ASG has committed itself to establishing an Islamic State.

*On September 21, 2014:* two attacks on the same day occurred.
private residences of Albu-Isa clan leaders were burned by ISIS in
Amiriyat *al-Fallujah,
Iraq*, which was attributed to ISIS.

Video: Islamic State leader killed in Syria

It’s important to recognize the peaceful contribution to the world Islam
has brought since its militants first invaded countries outside of Saudi
Arabia in the mid-7th century. Here is a list of peaceful acts committed
this week alone, by Islamists, as listed by TheReligionofPeace.com.

*This past week alone:*

September 17, 2016:
Islamists beheaded
a man like a sheep for Eid, depicted on an ISIS video, in *Iraq.*

September 17, 2016
‘insurgents’ murdered a 71-year-old Buddhist in front of his home in

September 18, 2016:
knife attack at Crossroads St. Cloud Mall, *Minnesota.*

September 18, 2016
suicide bombers murdered eighteen sleeping soldiers at an army base in
* India. *

September 18, 2016:
Islamists set off bomb in a trashcan injuring 24 people in *New York City.*

September 18, 2016:
murder eight Christians standing outside a church, riddling them with
bullets in* Nigeria.*

September 19, 2016:
Palestinian terrorists stabs a female border guard in the neck, in* Israel.*

September 19, 2016:
bombs placed by Islamists are thwarted by law enforcement at train
stops in *New

September 20, 2016:
disassembles three children with an IED, in* Syria.*

How is it that such a peaceful group continues to commit such violence
across the globe against all non-Muslims?

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Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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