What is the source of that particular passage plainole?
it comes from an old fictional book about a homophobic, misogynist, and 
murderous god that's followed by subservient xians and jews.
DEUTERONOMY 17:2 <https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Deuteronomy-17-2/>

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 11:44:42 AM UTC-6, gtheist957 wrote:
> What is the source of that particular passage plainole? 
> On Nov 30, 2016 11:27 AM, "plainolamerican" <plainol...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy 
>> God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of 
>> the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and 
>> served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of 
>> the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, 
>> and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be 
>> true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 
>> 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have 
>> committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, 
>> and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
>> On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 5:46:27 AM UTC-6, Travis wrote:
>>> http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/17/break-cross-muhammad-commands/
>>> ‘Break the Cross!’ Muhammad Commands It
>>> 2016/11/17 by Raymond Ibrahim 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/author/raymond-ibrahim/> 10 Comments 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/17/break-cross-muhammad-commands/#disqus_thread>
>>> [image: Description: Description: 4]What more evidence is needed to 
>>> prove that Islam is at war with Christianity than its well documented 
>>> hatred for the quintessential symbol of Christianity: the Cross?
>>> This recently occurred to me as I was surfing Arabic language videos and 
>>> websites discussing Christianity—only to encounter one hostile video, 
>>> fatwa, or sermon after another against the cross.
>>> Only one seemingly spoke well of the cross—though for a reason that 
>>> again demonstrated Islam’s hostility for Christians.  According to Al Azhar 
>>> professor Dr. Salim Abdul Galil 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/10/muslims-may-wear-cross-deceive-christians/>,
>>> Muslims can be tolerant of the cross—they can even wear and pray to it—but 
>>> only when in need of deceiving Christians, whom the learned professor 
>>> portrayed as the natural enemies of Muslims.
>>> The most telling video <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOljg8G2fXU> 
>>> featured Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi, a Saudi expert on Islamic law.  Asked 
>>> about Islam’s ruling on whether any person—meaning a Christian—is permitted 
>>> to wear or pray to the cross, the learned cleric explained:  “Under no 
>>> circumstances is a human permitted to wear the cross” nor “is anyone 
>>> permitted to pray to the cross.” The reason? “Because the prophet—peace and 
>>> blessings on him—commanded the breaking of it [the cross].”
>>> [image: Description: Description: nm]
>>> Indeed, as with all of Islam’s hostilities, animosity for the cross 
>>> begins with Muhammad. He “had such a repugnance 
>>> <https://books.google.com/books?id=-jxbAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA208&lpg=PA208&dq=%E2%80%9Chad+such+a+repugnance+to+the+form+of+the+cross+that+he+broke+everything+brought+into+his+house+with+its+figure+upon+it&source=bl&ots=C0Nyuuv6-2&sig=yJmfIrXPVNnHdgENFb3CEPHP6Mc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=1AthVbZrhoWwBdGygaAP&ved=0CCIQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%E2%80%9Chad%20such%20a%20repugnance%20to%20the%20form%20of%20the%20cross%20that%20he%20broke%20everything%20brought%20into%20his%20house%20with%20its%20figure%20upon%20it&f=false>
>>>  to 
>>> the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with 
>>> its figure upon it”; he once ordered someone wearing a cross to “take 
>>> off that piece of idolatry 
>>> <http://www.islamweb.net/hadith/display_hbook.php?bk_no=1196&pid=335340&hid=45>”;
>>> and he claimed that at the End Times, Isa (Islam’s version of Jesus) will 
>>> make it a point to “break the cross” as proof that Christians had gotten it 
>>> wrong all along.
>>> The reason for this animosity is that the cross symbolizes that which 
>>> Islam was developed in direct contradistinction to.  As Sidney Griffith, 
>>> author of *The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque*, put it: “The cross 
>>> and the icons publicly declared those very points of Christian faith which 
>>> the Koran, in the Muslim view, explicitly denied: that Christ was the Son 
>>> of God and that he died on the cross.”  Thus “the Christian practice of 
>>> venerating the cross and the icons of Christ and the saints often aroused 
>>> the disdain of Muslims,” so that there was an ongoing “campaign to erase 
>>> the public symbols of Christianity [in formerly Christian lands such as 
>>> Egypt and Syria], especially the previously ubiquitous sign of the cross.”
>>> According to the *Conditions of Omar* 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/western-ignorance-of-the-conditions-of-omar/>—a
>>> Medieval text which lays out the many humiliating stipulations conquered 
>>> Christians must embrace to preserve their lives and which Islamic history 
>>> attributes to the second “righteous caliph,” Omar al-Khattab—Christians are 
>>> “Not to display a cross [on churches]… and “Not to produce a cross or 
>>> [Christian] book in the markets of the Muslims.”
>>> During the televised Saudi program, cleric al-Tarifi explained that if 
>>> it is too difficult to break the cross—for instance, a large concrete 
>>> statue—Muslims should at least try to disfigure one of its four arms, “so 
>>> that it no longer resembles a cross.”
>>> We actually have much historic and numismatic evidence of this approach 
>>> going back to the century of Islam’s founding.  Almost all of the gold 
>>> coins that belonged to the Christian Byzantine Empire had the image of the 
>>> cross on one side of them.  After the Byzantine treasury was seized during 
>>> the Muslim conquests, the caliph ordered that one or two arms of the cross 
>>> be effaced, so that the image no longer resembles a cross.
>>> [image: Description: Description: coin]Left: Byzantine coin with cross, 
>>> c. 7th century. Right: After being manipulated by the Islamic caliphate.
>>> As for smaller crosses that Muslims could break, again, we have 
>>> testimonies from the very earliest invasions into Christian Syria of 
>>> Muslims systematically breaking every crucifix they encountered—to the 
>>> point that Christians were convinced that the invaders were demons, if not 
>>> worse.  In the words of Anastasius of Sinai, who lived during the earliest 
>>> invasions:  “Note well that the demons name the Saracens [Arabs/Muslims] as 
>>> their companions.  And it is with reason.  The latter are perhaps even 
>>> worse than the demons,” for  whereas “the demons are frequently much afraid 
>>> of the mysteries of Christ”—among which he mentions crosses and 
>>> churches—“these demons of flesh trample all that under their feet, mock it, 
>>> set fire to it, destroy it.”
>>> Sophronius, the patriarch of Jerusalem when its walls were being sieged 
>>> by Muslims in 638, lamented:
>>> Why are the troops of the Saracens attacking us? Why has there been so 
>>> much destruction and plunder? Why are there incessant outpourings of human 
>>> blood? Why are the birds of the sky devouring human bodies? Why have 
>>> churches been pulled down? Why is the cross mocked?  Why is Christ … 
>>> blasphemed by pagan mouths?
>>> Even Saladin (d. 1193)—regularly touted in the West for his 
>>> “magnanimity”—ordered “the removal of every cross from atop the dome of 
>>> every church in the provinces of Egypt,” according to *The History of 
>>> the Patriarchate of the Egyptian Church*.
>>> In light of the above, it should come as no surprise that the Islamic 
>>> State (“ISIS”) also exhibits hate for the crucifix.   In its communiques 
>>> <https://ia801400.us.archive.org/34/items/mir225/English_Translation.pdf> 
>>> to the West
>>> , hostile reference to the cross is often made:  “We will conquer your 
>>> Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of 
>>> Allah…. [We will cast] fear into the hearts of the cross worshippers….”
>>> [image: Description: Description: sx] 
>>> <https://ia801400.us.archive.org/34/items/mir225/English_Translation.pdf>
>>> Moreover, the Islamic State once disseminated a video showing its 
>>> members smashing crosses in and atop churches in territories under its 
>>> sway (since taken down by YouTube); it beheaded and stabbed a man with 
>>> his own crucifix; and it published pictures of its members destroying 
>>> Christian crosses and tombstones in cemeteries under its jurisdiction. 
>>> <https://ia801400.us.archive.org/34/items/mir225/English_Translation.pdf>
>>> In post “Arab Spring” Libya, now another ISIS-stronghold, a video of a 
>>> Muslim mob attacking a commonwealth cemetery near Benghazi appeared on the 
>>> internet.  As the Muslims kicked down and destroyed headstones with crosses 
>>> on them, the man videotaping them urged them to “Break the cross of the 
>>> dogs!” while he and others cried “Allahu Akbar!”  Towards the end of the 
>>> video, the mob congregated around the huge Cross of Sacrifice, the 
>>> cemetery’s cenotaph monument, and started to hammer at it in an effort to 
>>> disfigure the cross—to more cries of “Allahu Akbar.”  Other Christian 
>>> cemeteries in post-“Arab Spring” Libya have suffered similarly. 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/muslim-persecution-of-christians/islamic-state-sledgehammers-christian-gravestones-and-crosses-in-mosul/>
>>> Pictures emerged just the other day of a Christian cemetery in Iraq that 
>>> was vandalized by ISIS.  Broken and scattered crosses appear.  In one 
>>> picture, the jihadis broke into a coffin, snapped off the head of the 
>>> withered corpse and threw it and the crucifixes surrounding it on the 
>>> ground. 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/muslim-persecution-of-christians/tripoli-islamists-desecrate-christian-cemetery/>
>>> Lest all this still seem aberrant—limited to some obscure saying of 
>>> Muhammad, or “ancient history,” or the doings of “radical” groups like 
>>> ISIS—below is a very partial list of examples of how the crucifix throws 
>>> “everyday” Muslims into savage paroxysms: 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/15/isis-breaks-christian-coffins-desecrates-corpses-crosses/>
>>> [image: Description: Description: aq] 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/15/isis-breaks-christian-coffins-desecrates-corpses-crosses/>
>>> *Pakistan: When a Muslim man saw Julie Aftab, a Christian woman, wearing 
>>> a cross around her neck, he attacked her, forced battery acid down her 
>>> throat, and splashed it on her face—permanently damaging her esophagus, 
>>> blinding her in one eye, and causing her to lose both eyelids and most of 
>>> her teeth. 
>>> <http://raymondibrahim.com/2016/11/15/isis-breaks-christian-coffins-desecrates-corpses-crosses/>*
>>> *Egypt: A young Coptic Christian woman named Mary was mauled to death 
>>> when her cross identified her as a Christian to Muslim Brotherhood 
>>> rioters.     Before her, 17-year-old Ayman, a Coptic student, was strangled 
>>> and beaten to death by his Muslim teacher and some fellow students—for 
>>> refusing to obey the teacher’s orders to remove his cross. 
>>> <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2172338/They-wanted-hang--thought-insult-Islam-I-lived-New-life-Pakistani-Christian-woman-suffered-savage-acid-attack-Muslim-man-thought-traitor.html>*
>>> [image: Description: Description: isis-695366] 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/muslim-brotherhood-savagely-murder-christian-woman/>
>>> Even in Muslim nations deemed “moderate,” violence provoked by the cross 
>>> is not uncommon: 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/muslim-brotherhood-savagely-murder-christian-woman/>
>>> *Malaysia: A Christian cemetery was attacked and desecrated in the 
>>> middle of the night by unknown persons in the Muslim majority 
>>> nation.  Several crosses were destroyed, including by the use of “a heavy 
>>> tool to do the damage.” Separately, a Muslim mob rioted against a small 
>>> Protestant church due to the visible cross atop the building of worship.  
>>> It was quickly removed. 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/muslim-brotherhood-savagely-murder-christian-woman/>*
>>> *Maldives: Authorities had to rescue a female Christian teacher after 
>>> Muslim “parents threatened to tie and drag her off of the island” for 
>>> “preaching Christianity.” Her crime was to draw a compass—which was 
>>> mistakenly taken for a cross—as part of a geography lesson in class. 
>>> <http://www.fides.org/en/news/37690-ASIA_MALAYSIA_Forced_removal_of_a_cross_the_government_orders_an_investigation#.VTpTgyFViko>*
>>> *Turkey: A 12-year-old boy in Turkey wearing a silver cross necklace in 
>>> class was spit on and beat regularly by Muslim classmates and teachers. 
>>> <http://www.fides.org/en/news/37690-ASIA_MALAYSIA_Forced_removal_of_a_cross_the_government_orders_an_investigation#.VTpTgyFViko>*
>>> As Islam’s presence continues to grow in Europe, it should come as no 
>>> surprise that attacks on crosses are also on the rise: 
>>> <http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/February/Ex-Muslim-Boy-Clings-to-Faith-Despite-Beatings-/>
>>> *Italy: 
>>> <http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/February/Ex-Muslim-Boy-Clings-to-Faith-Despite-Beatings-/>*
>>> ·         A Moroccan migrant invaded an old church in Venice and 
>>> attacked its large, 300-year-old cross, breaking off one of its arms, while 
>>> shouting “All that is in a church is false!” 
>>> <http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2012/February/Ex-Muslim-Boy-Clings-to-Faith-Despite-Beatings-/>
>>> ·         A Muslim boy of African origin picked on, insulted, and 
>>> eventually beat a 12-year-old Catholic girl during school because she 
>>> was wearing a crucifix. <http://m.cawalisse.com/117370/07/14/22/40>
>>> ·         After yet another crucifix was destroyed in close proximity 
>>> to a populated mosque, the area’s mayor did not mince words concerning 
>>> the identity of the culprit(s):  “Before we put a show of unity with 
>>> Muslims, let’s have them begin by respecting our civilization and our 
>>> culture.” 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/muslim-persecution-of-christians/italy-muslim-beats-schoolgirl-for-wearing-crucifix/>
>>> *[image: Description: Description: cross_removed_from_church]France: 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/the-west-desensitized-to-islamic-violence/>*
>>> ·         A Muslim man committed major acts of vandalism inside two 
>>> churches.  Along with twisting a massive bronze cross, he overturned and 
>>> broke two altars, the candelabras and lecterns, destroyed statues, tore 
>>> down a tabernacle, smashed in a sacristy door and even broke some 
>>> stained-glass windows.  (Click for images.) 
>>> <http://www.raymondibrahim.com/islam/the-west-desensitized-to-islamic-violence/>
>>> ·         Christian crosses and gravestones in a cemetery were damaged 
>>> and desecrated by a Muslim.  After being apprehended, he was described 
>>> as follows: “The man repeats Muslim prayers over and over, he drools and 
>>> cannot be communicated with: his condition has been declared incompatible 
>>> with preliminary detention.”  He was hospitalized as “mentally 
>>> unbalanced.”  (See his handiwork.) 
>>> <http://diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.ca/2014/08/france-muslim-smashes-up-historic.html>
>>> *Germany: 
>>> <http://diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.com/2015/04/france-unbalanced-muslim-destroys-215.html>*
>>> ·         A Muslim man who checked himself into a hospital for 
>>> treatment went into a sudden frenzy because there were “too many 
>>> crosses on the wall.”  He called the nurse a “bitch” and “fascist” and 
>>> became physically aggressive. 
>>> <http://diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.com/2015/04/france-unbalanced-muslim-destroys-215.html>
>>> ·         After Muslims were granted their own section at a cemetery, 
>>> and after being allowed to conduct distinctly Islamic ceremonies, these 
>>> same Muslims began demanding that Christian symbols and crosses in the 
>>> cemetery be removed or covered up during Islamic funerals. 
>>> <http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/05/germany-sick-turk-attacks-hospital-nurse-because-too-many-crosses-on-wall>
>>> Of course, Islamic hostility for the cross is only encouraged by some 
>>> Europeans themselves, who happily comply with Islam’s “sensitivities.” 
>>> <http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/06/germany-islamic-organisation-demands-crosses-be-covered-during-muslim-burials>
>>> *Spain: Real Madrid, a professional football (soccer) team stripped the 
>>> traditional Christian cross from its club crest as part of a deal with the 
>>> National Bank of Abu Dhabi—“so as not to offend Muslim sensibilities in the 
>>> United Arab Emirates.” 
>>> <http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/06/germany-islamic-organisation-demands-crosses-be-covered-during-muslim-burials>*
>>> *United Kingdom: Offensive crucifixes are being removed from prisons in 
>>> order not to offend Muslim inmates (who are further provided with food 
>>> baths for Islamic rituals). 
>>> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/real-madrid/11256833/Real-Madrid-lose-Christian-cross-from-club-crest-to-appease-Abu-Dhabi-bank.html>*
>>> *Germans in Jerusalem: At the request of their Muslim hosts, German 
>>> bishops are now removing their pectoral crosses when visiting the Temple 
>>> Mount.  Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (Munich) rationalized his 
>>> capitulation by saying “we acted out of respect for the hosts” and 
>>> insisting that his decision is “not at all a denial of the cross, but a 
>>> response to the wish of the hosts.” 
>>> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/real-madrid/11256833/Real-Madrid-lose-Christian-cross-from-club-crest-to-appease-Abu-Dhabi-bank.html>*
>>> Such is the history and continuity of Islam’s hate for the cross—that 
>>> symbol which represents the heart of the Christian faith, including the 
>>> death and resurrection of Christ, which Islam strongly denounces as a 
>>> lie.   Islam’s war on the cross began with Muhammad, was carried out by the 
>>> earliest caliphs and jihadis, and continues to this day by the new 
>>> “caliphate” and many “everyday” Muslims. 
>>> <http://www.kath.net/news/57271>
>>> Meanwhile, far from calling Islam out, Western liberal Christians 
>>> continue calling for more Muslim refugees and carrying signs proclaiming, 
>>> “I’m 
>>> Christian and I love the Qur’an.” <http://www.kath.net/news/57271>
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