Has Kathy Griffin Produced A Defining Moment That Will Cause America To
Reject The Hate-Filled Ideology Of The Radical Left?

Has Kathy Griffin Produced A Defining Moment That Will Cause America To
Reject The Hate-Filled Ideology Of The Radical Left?

Posted: 31 May 2017 05:04 PM PDT

image of Kathy Griffin holding up a bloody mock ‘decapitated’ head of
Donald Trump will be burned into our memories forever, and she may have
just produced the single most destructive moment for the radical left that
this country has seen in decades. It is perfectly fine to disagree with
President Trump and his policies, but to hold up his ‘decapitated head’
like an ISIS executioner would goes far beyond anything that would ever be
acceptable in a civilized society. This is a moment that absolutely screams
“too far”, and I believe that it will be this moment that causes many
Americans to finally realize that the hate-filled ideology of the radical
left is entirely bankrupt.

At this point the radical left doesn’t have any sort of positive message to
offer the American people. They hate that wealthy people have so much money
and so they want to raise taxes. They hate capitalism and use every
opportunity that they can to try to destroy it. They hate conservative
Christians and so they mock Jesus and the Christian faith every chance they
get. They pander for money and votes by pitting one racial group against
another. They are all about killing liberty, killing freedom, killing
babies, and killing the values that this nation was founded upon. And they
have demonstrated over and over again that they are willing to use violence
to achieve their goals.

What Kathy Griffin was attempting to communicate was so horrible and so
over the top that even CNN has decided to fire her

“CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New
Year’s Eve program,” spokesman Shimrit Sheetrit confirmed to USA TODAY in a
statement Wednesday.

The network used even stronger language a day earlier: “We found what she
did disgusting and offensive,” read a statement sent to USA TODAY Tuesday
night by Sheetrit. “We are pleased to see she has apologized and asked that
the photos be taken down.”

And even her old buddy Anderson Cooper denounced her on Twitter

For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part
in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.

It is hard to imagine that Kathy Griffin will have much of a career left
after all of this, so hopefully she has been saving her money. In fact, she
has already lost a major endorsement deal

Squatty Potty, a Utah-based business that creates and sells bathroom
products — including a popular toilet stool made famous by one of the
company’s well-known viral videos — has decided to pull down a new ad that
Griffin stars in.

“We were shocked and disappointed to learn about the image Ms. Griffin
shared today,” Squatty Potty CEO Bobby Edwards said in a statement issued
to Faithwire. “It was deeply inappropriate and runs contrary to the core
values our company stands for.”

I don’t know what she thought would happen. If a conservative had done the
same thing to Obama, we would probably be talking about prison time right
about now. Griffin went so far over the line that even the Church of Satan has
disavowed her

And of course this isn’t the first time that she has done something like
this. During a 2007 awards show, she openly mocked the name of Jesus
What she said was so horrible that I do not want to repeat it.

Surprisingly, not everyone on the left is turning their backs on Griffin.
In fact, Democratic Senator Al Franken says that he is not going to cancel
an appearance with Griffin that is scheduled for July.

Al Franken will be up for re-election in 2020, and I think that it is time
for the people of Minnesota to find a new senator.

Of course I think that things are going to be very difficult for most
liberal Democrats moving forward. If anger and hate are the core of your
message, and if you survive by constantly pitting one group against
another, eventually the American people are going to see through the games
and will start choosing another direction.

Whether she intended it or not, Kathy Griffin is now the poster child for
the radical left in this country, and she just did Trump and the Republican
Party a huge favor by showing the true face of her movement. I really like
how Mike Adams
made this point…

There’s no other way to say it: Kathy Griffin and the deranged, lunatic
Left are *mentally ill* and pose a very real danger to society. This
wretched, terrorist-style beheading video posted by Griffin *encourages
deadly violence against Trump supporters* and sends a message that
murdering political opponents of the intolerant Left is a normal,
acceptable activity.

That’s what the deranged Left already believes, of course. Fanned into
flames by a wildly dishonest, discredited fakestream media, Trump
Derangement Syndrome has now escalated into a *left-wing murderous rage*
that now celebrates gruesome images of beheadings that were once the sole
domain of fanatical terrorists. What’s even more disturbing about all this
is that Kathy Griffin apparently thought posting a video showing a
bloodied, decapitated Trump head in her fist would somehow be hilarious or
inspiring in some twisted way.

So how should we respond to all of this?

Instead of responding to this kind of hate with even more hate, I propose
that we respond with lots of love

Let’s show the American people that there is a fundamental difference
between the right and the left. Let’s show them that true conservatives are
all about loving everyone and doing everything that we can to promote life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s show them that we believe in a
positive, united future for our country based on the values and principles
that are enshrined in the United States Constitution.

We don’t have to attack Kathy Griffin because she has already destroyed
herself and done an immense amount of permanent damage to her political

The American people are going to be looking elsewhere for inspiration, and
we should be ready to supply it. If we can clearly communicate a positive,
uplifting message, we can start to clear out the cesspool that Washington
D.C. has become
<http://themostimportantnews.com/archives/its-time-to-flush-the-toilet> and
begin to build a brighter future for all Americans.
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