June 4, 2017
Drawing Back the Curtain on the World's Political Classes

By Clarice Feldman <http://www.americanthinker.com/author/clarice_feldman/>

This week, President Trump showed once again
that, unlike his predecessor, he reads the fine print, and is not swayed by
the unscientific blather of the internationalists who use fine talk to
cover power-grabbing, anti-Americanism, and corruption.

He wisely pulled out of the Paris Accord -- something always billed as a
perfectly voluntary agreement of nations. Had it been more transparently
called a "treaty" the “Accord” would never have passed even minimal
scrutiny and constitutionally mandated Senate approval. So it combines bad
science, bad economics, and bad politics.

Here are some of the provisions
not reported by the mainstream press, which underscore
that it was no more than a redistribution scheme
<https://ricochet.com/434080/forget-paris-accords/> designed to hamper U.S.
competitiveness papered over by gaseous, meaningless platitudes about
saving mankind.

It was designed to limit American competitiveness and, at best, could have
done virtually nothing to affect the climate while impoverishing us and
displacing U.S. workers.

[L] isten to the words of former United Nations climate official Ottmar

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate
policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the
environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the
ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from
2008 to 2015.

So what is the goal of environmental policy?

"We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy,"
said Edenhofer.

For those who want to believe that maybe Edenhofer just misspoke and
doesn't really mean that, consider that a little more than five years ago
he also said that "the next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an
economy summit during which the distribution of the world's resources will
be negotiated."

Mad as they are, Edenhofer's comments are nevertheless consistent with
other alarmists who have spilled the movement's dirty secret. Last year,
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on
Climate Change, made a similar statement.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting
ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to
change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least
150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said in anticipation of
last year's Paris climate summit.

If you had any doubt about the redistribution aim, consider this
To date the U.S. has contributed $1 billion to the Accord's "Green Fund"
and all the other signatories have contributed exactly nothing to it.

Neither President Donald Trump nor his secretary of state is confused about
the country he represents nor stupid enough to believe that he represents
Paris rather than Pittsburgh. Unlike those two, they read the fine print.

If I had a single complaint about Trump’s well-presented statement on
withdrawing from the Accord, it would be that he neglected to note that the
United States has been able to achieve greater environmental protection and
energy efficiency precisely because the benefits of our economic system
provide needed capital for such advances in environmental protection.
Surplus capital put into research and new technologies does more for the
planet than surplus cash in the pockets of Euro autocrats and their friends.

By way of example, energy producers and users in the U.S. have also been
able to reduce emissions
because natural gas is more economical, not because Juncker and his pals
ordered it.

In curbing global-warming emissions, economics will pick up where
President Donald Trump left off.

Trump might have just pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord, an
international pact to fight global warming. But market forces will continue
to squeeze carbon dioxide out of the U.S. power mix as generators replace
costly and aging coal-fired units with cheaper, cleaner-burning natural gas
ones, according to William Nelson, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy
Finance. And for every megawatt-hour of electricity produced from gas
rather than coal, the U.S. is keeping about 0.6 metric ton of emissions out
of the air, he said.

Once again, like Toto in *The Wizard of Oz,* Trump has drawn away the
curtain that hid from the public the knowledge that the Wizard was simply a
goofy old fat guy with his hands on the levers.

If Obama really thought the Accord was something Americans wanted, why
didn’t he follow the Constitution and get Senate approval? His party held
the reins then. Maybe because he thought he was too clever

The Constitution requires the Senate to ratify treaties by a two-thirds
supermajority in part to ensure that the United States speaks with a
single, consistent voice on the international stage. It was President Obama
who offered the world an unwise commitment for which he got nothing in
return. It was Obama who refused to submit that commitment for Senate
approval because he knew he did not have it.

Did he rely on the blinkered Department of State to help him avoid the
clear terms of the Constitution? If the agreement was purely voluntary and
did not bind us as treaty would have, why the need to publicly withdraw
from It? Well, Andy McCarthy explains the trick
<https://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2017/05/31/dont-stop-with-paris/> Obama
tried to pull off:

...in 1970, President Richard M. Nixon signed a monstrosity known as the
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Think of it as “the treaty on
treaties” -- even though you probably thought we already had an American
law of treaties.

Under Article 18 of the treaty on treaties, once a nation signs a treaty --
or merely does something that could be interpreted as “express[ing] its
consent to be bound by the treaty” -- that nation is “obliged to refrain
from acts which would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty.”

In other words, the Constitution notwithstanding, once a presidential
administration signs or otherwise signals assent to the terms of an
international agreement, the United States must consider itself bound –
even though the Senate has not approved it, even though it has not been

If a subsequent president wants to get the United States out from under
this counter-constitutional strait-jacket, it is not enough merely to
refrain from submitting the treaty to the Senate. The later president must
take an affirmative action that withdraws the prior president’s
assent. That is why Trump cannot not just ignore the Paris agreement; he
needs to openly and notoriously pull out of it.[snip] How does that square
with the Constitution? Wrong question. The right one, apparently, is: Who
needs the Constitution when you have the State Department? That bastion of
transnational progressives advises that, despite the lack of ratification
under our Constitution, “many” of the treaty on treaties’ provisions are
binding as -- what else? -- “customary international law.”

President Trump is taking a significant step in removing the United States
from the Paris agreement. But the step should not be significant, or
politically fraught, at all. President Obama’s eleventh-hour consent to the
agreement’s terms should have been nothing more consequential than symbolic
pom-pom waving at his fellow climate alarmists. It should have had no legal

The stock market reached new highs after Trump’s announcement. Scot Adams

“Trump pulls out of Paris Accord, stocks rise. Why isn't the end of
civilization priced into the market?”

As “Miss Marple” observes:

The most amazing thing about this election is how the curtains have been
drawn back and we see people for what they really are. I have never seen
anything like it.

Most of the political class thrives on deception and role-playing. For some
reason, President Trump causes them to blurt out revealing comments and
take actions, which reveal who they really are. It's almost like they can't
help it.

*National Review *and *The Weekly Standard* could have simply talked about
policy and critiqued some of Trump's platform without anyone thinking a
thing about it. Instead, they went all in with mocking and demonizing him
and continue to do so today. Why did they do that?

What keeps Ben Sasse and Paul Ryan posing as virtuous nebbishes who look
down on their own voters? Why does John McCain tour the world like some
second rate Bond villain, making snarky comments about the President and
hanging out with dubious foreign characters?

The democrats are in an even worse position, because they have been
revealed not only as elitists but as completely insane. I don't care
whether we are talking about Hillary, or Tom Perez, or Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz; they come off as completely unhinged.

It's the most amazing thing in politics I have ever seen.

No one has proven more unhinged by events than Hillary Clinton. So far,
despite taking “responsibility” for her loss, Hillary has placed the blame
on 35 other people, events, and organizations, including her own DNC.

There’s no one else left for her to blame. May I suggest another: aliens
from the planet Zorg abducted her would-be voters in Michigan, Wisconsin,
and Pennsylvania on election day, then prodded and probed them into voting
for Trump.

Like the EU leaders, she is too corrupt, incompetent, and unliked to be
elected in her native land. And like them, she is cosseted by her retainers
from knowing the truth.

Kyle Smith shows us
how far removed from reality Hillary has become and why:

The funniest episode in the protective yet revealing new Hillary Clinton
profile arrives when we learn that this sad, unemployed, 69-year-old lady
is so desperate to keep her self-image alive that she still employs
flunkies and retainers to treat her as though she actually were the
president, or the secretary of state, or a president in waiting, or at very
least the leader of the opposition. Her longtime loyalists are so happy to
bustle around her in the service of maintaining the illusion that, after
she takes an hour away from it all to exercise, her communications
director, Nick Merrill, breathlessly updates her on everything that’s
happened in the political world in the last threescore ticks of the minute
hand. Her profiler, Rebecca Traister of *New York* magazine, obviously a
great admirer but one who declines to throw herself overboard from reality
for the sake of giving Hillary more company bobbing about in the sea of
fancy, writes that Clinton “listens to the barrage of updates, nodding like
a person whose job requires her to be up-to-date on what’s happening, even
though it does not.” Ouch. Hillary Rodham Clinton isn’t merely in a state
of denial. She has become Bruce Willis in *The Sixth Sense*. Politically
speaking, she is dead, but she doesn’t know it. Her staffers are so many
Haley Joel Osments -- too kind (and too attached to their salaries) to tell
her that her career is over. She doesn’t need briefings. She doesn’t need
to do interviews. She doesn’t need to write the book she is writing (after
so many indigestible volumes, why bother with one more?). She doesn’t need
to stake out a politically nuanced position on James Comey’s firing or
scramble to get out in front of the Resistance parade. She lost two
exceedingly winnable presidential campaigns in Hindenburgian fashion. There
is no demand for her to run again and there is nothing left for her except
to receive whatever ceremonial honors and sinecures may come her way. She
has been handed her political retirement papers by the American people.
She’s done.

Also dead or almost dead, given the multitude of “investigations” pending,
is her claim that the Russians did it. If you care to know the way in which
this was confected and how stupid and counterfactual this is, the very best
explanation is here
<https://amgreatness.com/2017/06/01/the-anatomy-of-a-lie/>.  The
meticulously documented timeline makes clear that “the corruption and
manipulation of the 2016 election (and the months afterward) were the
result of Leftist chicanery and not the fault of the Trump team.”

What remains of the Russian fairytale is the apparent widespread illegal
use of the intelligence agencies and unmasking of Obama’s political
opposition -- this week, even Senator Lindsey Graham indicated that he,
too, had been illegally surveilled and unmasked
In the wake of the Democrats big lie, engendered by Hillary Clinton’s Norma
Desmond-like refusal to acknowledge reality, the Democrats, Obama
officials, and their media friends have done more to undermine America’s
regard and trust of our intelligence agencies than the Russians could have
ever hoped to accomplish.


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Posted by: "Beowulf" <beow...@westerndefense.net>

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