Liberal ethics is an oxymoron.


*Facebook's Little Ethics Problem*

*by Ruthie Blum <>June
7, 2017 at 4:30 am*


Facebook has been aiding abusers of human-rights -- such as China, Turkey,
Russia and Pakistan -- to curb the freedom of expression of their people.

   - "On the same day that we filed the report, the 'Stop Palestinians'
   page that incited against Palestinians was removed by Facebook... for
   'containing credible threat of violence' which 'violated our community
   standards.' On the other hand, the 'Stop Israelis' page that incited
   against Israelis, was not removed. We received a response from Facebook
   stating that the page was 'not in violation of Facebook's rules.'" —
   Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, head of The Israel Law Center.
   - According to Darshan-Leitner, Facebook's insistence that it cannot
   control all the content on its pages is disingenuous, if not an outright
   lie. After all, its algorithms are perfectly accurate when it comes to
   detecting users' shopping habits.

There is a problem at Facebook. On May 8, the social media platform blocked
and then shut down the pages of two popular moderate Muslim groups -- on
the grounds that their content was "in violation of community standards" --
without explanation.

Had these pages belonged to the radicals who incite followers to violence,
however, the move would have been welcome, and would have corresponded to
Facebook's Online Civil Courage Initiative
<>, founded in Berlin in
January 2016, to "challeng[e] hate speech and extremism online," in the
effort to prevent the use of social media as a platform for recruiting

The pages that Facebook shut down, however -- Ex-Muslims of North America,
which has 24,000 followers; and Atheist Republic, with 1.6 million -- do
nothing of the sort. In fact, they are managed and followed by Arabs across
the world who reject not only violence and terrorism, but Islam as a

This, it turns out, is precisely the problem.

Angry Islamists, bent on silencing such "blasphemers" and "apostates,"
troll social media and abuse Facebook's complaint system. It's a tactic
that works like a charm every time, as conservative and pro-Israel
individuals and groups -- whose posts are disproportionately targeted by
political opponents and removed by Facebook for "violating community
standards" -- can attest
As in most of those cases, the pages of the former Muslims were reinstated
the next day, after their administrators demonstrated that the charges
against them were false.

The president of Ex-Muslims of North America, Muhammad Syed, who is
originally from Pakistan, complained about the practice in an open letter
to Facebook, and demanded that the company do more to protect former
Muslims from online harassment by Islamists:

"Ironically, the same social media which empowers religious minorities is
susceptible to abuse by religious fundamentalists to enforce what are
essentially the equivalent of online blasphemy laws. A simple
English-language search reveals hundreds of public groups and pages on
Facebook explicitly dedicated to this purpose [enforcing blasphemy laws
online] -- giving their members easy-to-follow instructions on how to
report public groups and infiltrate private ones."

Syed also started a petition
calling on Facebook to "prevent religious extremists from censoring
atheists and secularists." According to the website *Heat Street*
which broke the story, there are many other secular Arab groups that have
been similarly flagged by religious Muslims on social media.


For its part, Facebook continues to claim that the sheer volume of material
it deals with every day makes it virtually impossible even for its
algorithms to distinguish accurately between posts that violate its
own "community
standards <>" and those that do

This claim has been refuted by attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner
head of Shurat HaDin - The Israel Law Center, who has been engaged in a
billion-dollar class action lawsuit
against Facebook for failing to prevent or halt anti-Israel incitement on
its pages. Darshan-Leitner decided to put her premise to the test at the
end of December 2015, by creating two fictitious Facebook pages -- "Stop
Palestinians" and "Stop Israelis" -- and posting hate-filled comments and
clips on each.

For two days, from December 28-30, Darshan-Leitner's organization continued
to increase the level of incitement on both pages. For example, a post on
the "Stop Israelis page" featured an anti-Semitic cartoon and the phrase
"death to all the Jews." Simultaneously, a post on the "Stop Palestinians"
page read, "Revenge against the Arab enemy. Death to all the Arabs."

At this point, according to Darshan-Leitner, Shurat HaDin reported both
pages to Facebook and requested that they be removed.

"Facebook was very quick to respond to our reports," she said on a YouTube

"On the same day that we filed the report, the 'Stop Palestinians' page
that incited against Palestinians was removed by Facebook. Facebook sent us
a response stating that the page was removed for 'containing credible
threat of violence' which 'violated our community standards.' On the other
hand, the 'Stop Israelis' page that incited against Israelis, was not
removed. We received a response from Facebook stating that the page was
'not in violation of Facebook's rules.'"

Six days later, after a huge outcry in the Hebrew press and on social
media, Facebook changed its initial judgement and removed the anti-Semitic

This kind of behavior is just what Muhammad Syed is railing about.

"Arab atheists, Bangladeshi secularists, and numerous other groups have
been under attack for years, as religious conservatives in the Muslim world
learn to abuse Facebook's reporting system to their advantage. Early last
year, multiple atheist and secularist groups were targeted with mass,
coordinated infiltration and reporting -- leading to the closure of many
groups. These groups were eventually restored, but only after a lengthy and
sustained effort by organizers to draw public attention to the issue."

Darshan-Leitner said that although she does not consider Facebook guilty of
incitement, its insistence that it cannot control all the content on its
pages is disingenuous, if not an outright lie. After all, its algorithms
are very accurate when it comes to detecting users' shopping habits --
information that advertisers pay a lot of money for the privilege of

Furthermore, Facebook has been aiding abusers of human rights -- such as
China, Turkey, Russia and Pakistan -- to curb the freedom of expression of
their people. As the *New York Times* reported
last November, the social media giant quietly developed software to enable
the Chinese government to suppress posts. This was CEO Mark Zuckerberg's
way of getting back in China's good graces, after Facebook was banned from
the enormous market in 2009.

Where Pakistan is concerned, the situation is just as delicate. In
March, according
to *Al Jazeera*
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif warned that blasphemous content on Facebook
would be "strictly punished."

Sharif has been trying to get social media outlets to adhere to his
country's blasphemy laws, which state that anything deemed insulting to
Islam or Muhammad is a crime, and those convicted of it can be sentenced to
death. Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan called blasphemy "an issue
about the honor of every Muslim," and threatened to "take strong action"
against Facebook and other platforms that do not comply. He also mentioned,
however, that Facebook had agreed to send a delegation to Pakistan to work
something out.

This was a mere few months after Facebook signed a "Code of Conduct on
Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online
produced by the European Commission and also endorsed by Microsoft, Twitter
and YouTube, asserting
"a collective responsibility and pride in promoting and facilitating
freedom of expression throughout the online world." This, it stated, "is
applicable not only to 'information' or 'ideas' that are favourably
received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but
also to *those that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the
population*." (Emphasis added.)

This is a far cry from a whispered exchange
caught on a hot mic on the sidelines of a United Nations development summit
in New York in 2015, between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Facebook's
Mark Zuckerberg. Merkel confronted Zuckerberg about not doing enough to
combat "xenophobic" posts relating to the influx of migrants into Europe in
general and Germany in particular.

"We need to do some work on it," Zuckerberg responded.

So far, all of Zuckerberg's hard work seems to be paying off, but not for
former Muslims such as Syed, seeking moral and intellectual support from
the like-minded.

*Ruthie Blum is a journalist and author of "To Hell in a Handbasket:
Carter, Obama and the 'Arab Spring.'"*

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