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Dear Bill: 
Despite unprecedented obstruction from mainstream media and  the political 
Left, President Donald J. Trump has a historical  record of achievement in 
his first six months in  office!

The President already has signed more than 40  pieces of legislation into 
law, signed almost 40 executive  orders, produced an outstanding Supreme 
Court Justice in Justice  Neil Gorsuch, and appointed the most socially 
conservative  Cabinet in U.S. history. 
President Trump has taken decisive pro-life action by signing  legislation 
allowing states to stop the flow of Title X funding  to Planned Parenthood 
and other abortion providers, and by  stopping U.S taxpayer dollars from 
going to foreign  organizations who perform or promote abortion (known as the  
Mexico City policy). 
President Trump also has administratively repealed the  Johnson Amendment 
to restore the right to political speech by  pastors, churches and 
ministries, and he has overturned  Obamacare mandates that violated the 
beliefs of the  Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based nonprofits. 
He is securing our borders, with illegal immigration  plummeting almost 70% 
since January, and protecting the homeland  through an executive order that 
hit the pause button on  immigration by foreign nationals who pose 
potential danger to  our security.  
The Trump administration is leading an economic upturn with  the stock 
market at an all-time high, an unemployment rate at  its lowest point in 16 
years, and economic growth of 2.6% and  climbing!

By slashing federal regulatory red tape,  including approval of the 
Keystone XL and Dakota Access  pipelines and withdrawing the U.S. from the job 
killing Paris  climate accord, the President has unleashed the power of the  
American economy by saving American businesses up to $18 billion  a year in 
costs, allowing companies to create more than 800,000  new jobs since his 
inauguration in January.

While there  is much more to do, President Trump and his administration 
have  accomplished a great deal in his first six months in office and  
Americans of faith look forward to working alongside this  administration to 
Obamacare, to cut taxes for  hard-working Americans, and to continue to 
reform our federal  court system and the administrative "deep state." 
Pressing on in faith,

Timothy Head
Executive  Director    
P.O. BOX 957736, Duluth, GA 30095-9529 |  Tel: _770-622-1501_ 
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