Anti-Jihad League of America
Posted on December 2, 2008 at 3:35 PM PST

*Oil, U.S. Auto Industry, Jihad, and Islamic Supremacism*

by Jeffrey Imm

*As the U.S. automobile industry seeks funds from the U.S. government,
Americans need to ask if this industry understands that Islamic supremacists
are at war with America, and how the automobile industry is going to change
its product lines to recognize the need to reduce petrodollars to our
Islamic supremacist enemies.*

*After the 9/11 attacks, I looked in the mirror and asked myself that, if I
was going to do to challenge others on Jihad and Islamic supremacism, what
was I going to immediately change in my own life. I had to be able to walk
the walk - personally. Among other answers, the easiest one for me was to
commit to driving out Jihadists by using a fuel-efficient vehicle or other
non-oil based transportation as much as possible.* I am not suggesting that
this is all it takes for America's energy independence crisis, nor is this a
solution that will work for everyone. But *Of the 19 suspected 9/11
hijackers, 13 came from Saudi Arabia. What does Saudi Arabia export other
than oil and Islamic supremacism? *Sand? *After 9/11, it did not require a
political science degree to figure out that a key focus in our economic war
against Islamic supremacism had to include a focus on America's energy and
oil independence from Saudi Arabia, other Islamic supremacist nations, and
other foreign nations.

So what happened after 9/11 to Saudi Arabia? Did American leadership cut off
its flow of petrodollars from the U.S.? Did American leadership view Saudi
Arabia's Islamic supremacist ideology to be an enemy of America? In fact,
Saudi Arabia became wealthier, got more American petrodollars after 9/11,
and incredibly, was named as an "ally" of America in a "war on terror" that
refused to define the enemy or its ideology.*

*How did American industry react to the 9/11 Islamic supremacist act of war
against America? Did U.S. oil industries shun Saudi Arabia and other Islamic
supremacist providers, and promote alternative energy sources? Did U.S.
automakers aggressively promote fuel-efficient vehicles to minimize the
petrodollars continuing to flow to Islamic supremacist nations? None of
these happened. Neither the U.S. oil nor the automobile industries have
recognized that America is at war with Islamic supremacism.

As American taxpayer dollars are being asked to bailout the U.S. automobile
industry without strings, a history lesson of the U.S. automobile industry's
response to the 9/11 attacks would be valuable.*

*In 2002, an example of General Motors' (GM) offer of "innovation" in
response to acts of war by Islamic supremacists on America was to have "AM
General... assembling the HUMMER H2, a new 'next generation' sport utility
vehicle designed by GM*, at a new factory in Mishawaka" - *for American
consumer use at approximately 10 mpg. In 2001, GM also had an electric
automobile known as the EV1, which you might have never heard about. I know
about this because, after the 9/11 attacks, I repeatedly contacted GM about
trying to purchase or lease an EV1 or even get on the waiting list for a
future version ("GenII") of the EV1. In fact, what GM told me was that the
EV1s were not available to anyone outside of California, and I am on the
East Coast. No matter who I contacted in GM Sales, the answer was the same -
they did not want to sell me a GM EV1 electric automobile at any price,
under any condition.* (You can see from this September 11, 2002 EV1 white
paper that I was not only one who could not obtain an EV1 from GM.) *GM was
more concerned with California's Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate than it
was with acts of war against America. Just over two months after the 9/11
attacks in 2001, GM was already collecting EV1 electric automobiles to take
them off the market and crush them. By 2003, GM had officially ended the EV1
electric automobile program; GM donated one to the Smithsonian museum. Where
is GM's progress for fuel-efficient vehicles at today? Among GM's 2009
vehicles, GM offers a hybrid SUV (offering "an astounding EPA estimated MPG
21 city"), hybrid truck ("limited availability early 2009"), and states that
it will offer "very limited availability" for its 2009 Malibu Hybrid. In
2010, nine years after the 9/11 attacks, GM claims that it will also offer
another electric vehicle, the Volt. In the meantime, GM continues to
predominantly manufacture and market vehicles that will ensure the maximum
petrodollars go to Islamic supremacist nations.*

*In early 2002, a division of Ford Motor Company's TH!NK announced that it
was going to produce a series of small electric automobiles for use in
California and New York City. However, later that year, Ford announced that
it was going to halt production of such electric automobiles, and in 2003,
Ford abandoned its nascent efforts to counter America's oil dependence on
Islamic supremacist nations, and sold the company to a European company for
production overseas. A year later in 2004, Ford announced plans to crush its
remaining TH!NK electric automobiles, later deciding to send 300 of them to
Norway. Concerns about ending America's oil dependence on Islamic
supremacist nations was the furthest thing from Ford's mind.  Later in 2004,
Ford developed a "hybrid SUV"* (now that's a "hybrid" for certain) *called
the Ford Escape hybrid SUV*.... The 2009 Ford Hybrid Escape states that it
gets an estimated 34 mpg city, significantly less fuel-efficiency than
hybrid vehicles offered by Honda or Toyota. *Ford continues to predominantly
manufacture and market vehicles that will ensure the maximum petrodollars go
to Islamic supremacist nations.

When it comes to fuel-efficient vehicles to cut off petrodollars to Islamic
supremacist nations, we have had nothing but counterproductive products,
half-measures, and endless promises from GM and Ford. In the meantime,
Islamic supremacism has continued to grow in America and around the world. *

*What did I do about it? Since both GM and Ford refused to take my money and
sell me a fuel-efficient vehicle that would limit petrodollars to our
Islamic supremacist enemies, I had to go elsewhere.* *In early 2002, with
the remains of the World Trade Center still nothing but a pit and a wing of
the Pentagon still in shambles, there was no American leadership or business
focus on stopping the flow of petrodollars to our enemies, nor was it a
priority. In our nation's capital, there was virtually no interest in hybrid
automobiles.* But *in early 2002, I started driving a hybrid automobile as a
strike against Jihad and Islamic supremacism.* We started by selling our old
automobile and getting a Honda Insight hybrid automobile. When we went to
the automobile dealer 10 miles from the White House, it was a real battle to
get such a hybrid automobile. The DC area Honda sales person tried to
persuade me not to buy a Honda Insight hybrid automobile. They were *hidden
in a back lot and literally covered with dust; they had to wash one off to
show it to me. That's how unimportant fuel-efficient vehicles were in the
Washington DC area after the 9/11 attacks. I was personally uncomfortable
with buying a foreign-made automobile, and it was the first I had owned. But
I felt that I had no other option, if I was to focus the war of ideas
against Islamic supremacism, I had to do what I could personally to stop
their funding through petrodollars. We still drive our 2002 Honda Insight
hybrid today, as well as a 2005 Toyota Prius hybrid. As a result of GM's and
Ford's unwillingness to recognize the need to modify its products to deal
with the Islamic supremacist war on America, we have been unable to purchase
a GM or Ford automobile since the 9/11 attacks on America.*

Afterwards, *I continued to try to promote fuel-efficient vehicles as part
of a campaign against Islamic supremacism and Jihad. I soon learned that
there was very little interest in this tactic. I went to political events,
campaign events, public affairs events, and tried to get the public to cut
off the petrodollars to Islamic supremacists. My efforts on this have been
met, on every level, with a resounding silence and disinterest.* I am well
aware that this is not a popular issue to discuss.* I am also not suggesting
that fuel-efficient automobiles alone will solve our energy independence
from Islamic supremacist nations. But when will America decide that this is
a necessary issue to address? The fact remains that not only has GM and Ford
been unwilling to do anything about this issue, our government and much of
the American public has been unwilling to do anything as well.

In the meantime, what has grown is this tacit acceptance among the American
governmental leadership, the American automobile industry, and the American
public that we won't talk about the need for fuel-efficient vehicles to help
in cutting back petrodollars to Islamic supremacist nations. Glittering
generalities are fine; everyone is for someone else to do something about
it. But calling for accountability and actually doing anything about it,
well, that isn't polite discussion. *

But *as American taxpayers get ready to hand over (either by a bailout or a
bankruptcy - we pay) tax dollars to GM and Ford, when exactly will it be the
right time to talk about the need for fuel-efficient vehicles in reducing
petrodollars to Islamic supremacist nations? Why not now when we have GM's
and Ford's attention? Isn't it about time that these companies with a very
checkered history when America has been at war to step up and prove that if
they want American taxpayer dollars that they recognize and will support
America's national security priorities?*

*Did Americans all have to read Robert Baer's book in 2003* *"Sleeping with
the Devil"* *to understand how petrodollars had further empowered Saudi
Arabia to spread Islamic supremacism around the world? Did America really
need to wait until the 2005 Freedom House report on how Saudi Arabia was
spreading Islamic supremacism in the United States to act on energy
independence? Even so, wasn't that 3 to 5 years ago? We need American
leadership that can define the war against Islamic supremacism clearly
enough to the American people that they don't have to wait until gasoline is
$4.00/gallon to seek to drive fuel-efficient vehicles. Moreover, they need
the U.S. automobile industries to deliver products in line with America's
national security interests during war.*

*Four years ago, President Bush stated during his campaign for re-election
that America's energy independence was going to be a key national security
issue and priority. Such false promises have resulted in petrodollars
continuing to flow from the U.S. to Islamic supremacist nations as much, if
not greater, than before. Islamic supremacist Sharia finance has expanded
and grown over the past four years. On November 6, 2008, the U.S. Treasury
held a training session on Islamic supremacist Sharia finance and a week
later, on November 10, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board announced that it was
purchasing $40 billion of AIG preferred shares of stock, while AIG has
continued to own divisions that promote and sell Islamic supremacist Sharia
finance investment and insurance products. As a result, American taxpayers
now own part of a Sharia finance business. Are American taxpayers next going
to support automobile manufacturers selling products to ensure our Islamic
supremacist enemies get the maximum amount of petrodollars?

The failure to have accountability in national business and economic
decisions that support and embolden the Islamic supremacist enemy remains a
national disgrace. The root of this problem can be found in the failure to
define the enemy and the enemy's ideology in Islamic supremacism and to
declare unequivocal total war on Islamic supremacism, using every tactic,
including economic measures.*

On *November 13, 2008, at a Saudi-sponsored "interfaith conference," Saudi
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz told world leaders that Islamic supremacism
practiced in Saudi Arabia supports peace, justice and tolerance, while
President Bush replied that freedom includes "the right to choose or change
religions and the right to worship in private or public." Those are noble
sentiments by President Bush, but what has he done in terms of Saudi Arabia
or any other Islamic supremacist nation to defend those rights? Has he
sought to constrain Islamic supremacist Sharia finance? Has he sought to
stop petrodollars to Saudi Arabia and other nations? Has he accomplished any
significant initiatives to gain our energy independence from Islamic
supremacist nations? Has he made all Islamic supremacist nations a pariah?
Has he identified Islamic supremacism as an enemy ideology? The answer to
all of these questions, of course, is no.*

*Believing in the need to defend equality and liberty should be a
fundamental part of each American's identity. But the real test of this
American virtue is deciding to actually do more than just talk about it.

In fighting the culture wars for America, we need to stay focused on
fighting for what America's culture is truly all about, and not view our
culture as only based on consumer goods and recreational activities. America
is not merely about baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolets. We are at war, and
the Islamic supremacist enemy continues to gain power every day. Remembering
what we are fighting for is essential for us to win this war.*

*America's culture war is about living and defending the inalienable human
rights of equality and liberty. America is about the idea that all men and
women are created equal. Equality and liberty are the basis of our culture
war for America against Islamic supremacism, not gas-guzzling vehicles that
give endless petrodollars to our Islamic supremacist enemies, and not
businesses that refuse to put America's interests first during war-time.*

*If GM and Ford want a hand out from American taxpayers (either via bailout
or bankruptcy protection), they need to commit to business practices that
recognize American values and recognize that Islamic supremacists continue
to be at war with America. Energy independence will not be gained from
fuel-efficient automobiles alone. It is a much greater and complex issue
than that. But if American leadership, American business, and the American
public can't even start to address such a basic step in energy independence
through improved fuel-efficient automobiles, we can't hope to stop handing
money to our Islamic supremacist enemies that seek to destroy us, and who
seek to destroy every hope there is for defending equality and liberty.*

*We can't let that happen. Too many hopeless, helpless people are counting
on us to act.*

Fear No Evil.

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