They used white phosphorous to supposedly light up the sky but a lot
of that fell and burned civilians - a war crime. They destroyed all
factories in Gaza - a war crime. They destroyed hospitals, schools,
and universities in Gaza - war crimes. They routinely torture
Palestinian prisoners but never Jewish prisoners - war crimes. Their
snipers fired at all Palestinians who dared to leave their houses,
some even carrying white flags - war crimes. They destroyed the homes
of supposed Hamas militants knowing their wives and children were
probably in the homes - war crimes. They atacked a fellow member of
the United Nations without first exhausting all means of negotiation -
violation of the United Nations Charter. Israel was in fact killing an
average of 8 Palestinians in Gaza every day with assassinations, etc.
before one of their poorly made rockets happened to kill four
Israelis, so it wasn't Hamas that started the war. Obviously Israel
had been plotting this war for months, preparing the targets, while in
a cease fire. Israel is a completely lawless nation, and they don't
even follow the law of the Bible which says "Love thy neighbor as
thyself." The problem in the Mideast is that Israel has been
butchering it's Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian,
Iraqi, etc. neighbors for the last 60 years. These Zionist Jews are
the ones the Bible says say they are Jews but lie but are really the
synagogue of Satan. The Bible says God is no respecter of persons in
both Old and New Testaments. Israel is the Babylon of Bible prophecies
and the Bible says we must come out of Babylon so we do not receive of
her plagues. Both Christians and Jews should renounce the brutality of
Zionism, and many Jews have. See and We're still waiting for many "Christian"
leaders such as Benny Hinn, Hal Lindsey, Jimmy Swaggart, Jack Van
Impe, Zola Levitt, John Hagee, Jack Chick, Mike Huckabee and many
others to take the same stand.
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