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On Feb 6, 5:30 am, Ohio mark <> wrote:
> An Egyptian Muslim cleric has instructed that husbands should not beat
> their wives to the point that their beauty is scarred or bones are
> broken, but that it should be clear that: "A word would be enough for
> any wife with lofty morals, but with you, words do not help."
> The instruction comes from Egyptian Cleric Galal Al-Khatib, whose
> sermon was broadcast on All-Rahma Television
> on Dec. 24, 2008. It has been interpreted by MEMRI, the Middle East
> Media Research Institute, an independent nonprofit that provides
> translations of media reports from the Middle East and analysis of
> those reports.
> He explains there are three stages of discipline for wives under
> Islam: Admonishment, banishment and beating.
> "The Prophet Muhammad said that the beatings should be light, and that
> one should avoid the face, or the sensitive areas, which might lead to
> broken bones, or might leave a mark that would spoil her beauty,
> whether on her face or anywhere on her body," the cleric advises.
> Khatid explains that the husband first must understand what
> disobedience in a wife is.
> "Disobedience is to leave the house without the husband's permission,
> to refuse to obey the husband in bed, to speak to the husband
> impolitely, or to do the opposite of what he likes. All these are
> forms of disobedience," he said.
> "The first measure for reforming a disobedient wife is to admonish
> her.
> "Okay, if admonishing doesn't work, the next measure is 'banishment.'
> "Okay, he's tried admonishing, he's tried banishment – but nothing.
> Her emotions are numb, and she says: Good riddance. So what is the
> next measure? '...and beat them.' Beating," he said.
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