we do not support it because it will not only bankrupt this country
for generations to come, and it will create little if any jobs, and it
is the biggest power grab by the feds in history, and it enlarges an
already bloated government, and it is unconstitutional.

On Feb 11, 6:20 am, "liberal mike532  !" <littlemike...@gmail.com>
> Why Republicans Won't Support the Stimulushttp://www.truthout.org/021009M
> Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog: "Why are Senate Republicans (all,
> that is, except the lonely moderates Collins, Snowe, and Specter)
> nixing the stimulus package, as House Republicans did? Not because
> Obama failed to compromise - he gave them the tax breaks they wanted,
> ncluded a whopper for business. Not because Senate Democrats failed
> to bend - they agreed to trim more than $100 billion out of a previous
> version of the bill. Not because Senate Republicans are doctrinally
> opposed to deficit spending - many of them happily voted for Bush
> spending and tax cuts that doubled the federal debt. The reason has to
> do with the timing of the economic recovery."
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