A lawsuit that accuses Congress of failing to investigate President
Obama's birthplace before approving the Electoral College vote giving
him the presidency has been amended to include additional claims of
rights violations, including unequal treatment, because Congress did
such an investigation into GOP candidate Sen. John McCain.

That word comes from Mario Apuzzo, the lawyer
handling the case

The case was brought by Apuzzo on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr.,
Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelson Jr.
It names as defendants Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress,
the Senate, House of Representatives and former Vice President Dick
Cheney along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Apuzzo told WND that Congress last year raised the issue of whether
McCain was a "natural born" citizen, a requirement set out in the U.S.
Constitution for the president, because of his birth to U.S. citizens
in the Panama Canal Zone.

According to a report in the Washington Post, the Senate unanimously
declared McCain to be a "natural born" citizen, meeting the demand of
Article 2 of the Constitution, which states, "no person except a
natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the office of president."

The report, however, pointed out that such a statement was opinion
only, and the constitutional question actually isn't so simple. It
quoted Catholic University associate law professor Sarah Duggin saying
the document is ambiguous.

"Ultimately there has never been any real resolution of this issue.
Congress cannot legislatively change the meaning of the Constitution,"
she told the newspaper, saying a constitutional amendment or a U.S.
Supreme Court ruling would be the way to reach a determination.

"The question is: Why do you do it for McCain, but not Obama," Apuzzo
told WND.

More specifically, those who doubted McCain's eligibility had an
opportunity for a review but not those who doubt Obama.

That violates a liberty right for his clients, he said, because as
members of a republic, they have a right to know that their president
is legitimate.

"What I'm arguing is that Congress and President Obama have violated
my clients' due process under Article 5 [of the U.S. Constitution],"
Apuzzo said.

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