The hostility to human life at the core of moonbat ideology has risen
alarmingly close to the surface at Psychology Today's blog "The
Playing Field," where bestselling author Steven Kotler outdoes Hitler
and Chairman Mao with his declaration that "we need to lose 4.4
billion people."

Kotler hates babies so much, he wants people jailed for having too
many of them. But since not having children takes awhile, we may need
to break out the Zyklon B. Screams Kotler:

    You think the economy is bad now — wait a few years. Wait until
we're almost completely out of oil and food and water and available
land — we need to lose 4.4 billion people and we need to lose them

Moonbats have been shrieking that we're about to run out of resources
at least since Malthus in the 18th century. Like other cultists, they
press onward with their apocalyptic prophecies, regardless of how
spectacularly they are proven wrong.

Displaying the bizarre inversion that characterizes leftist thought,
Kotler calls Nadya Suleman — who admittedly should never have been
implanted with all those embryos — a "murderer" for not having any of
her babies killed.

PETA president Ingrid Newkirk may believe that "a rat is a pig is a
dog is a boy," but Kotler holds that a boy is less than a dog:

    So do I think that a dog's life is worth more than a humans? I
think that no dog has ever, intentionally, for reasons of selfish
greed, destroyed their home like we have ours. I think that yes, there
are way too many people on the planet, and while I'm not advocating
mass euthanasia (though mandatory birth control sounds pretty good to
me), I think before we start saying humans are worth more than dogs,
we need to examine exactly what we have contributed to the quality of
life for all species on this planet, not just our own.

It's a relief to hear our liberal elite intelligentsia doesn't openly
advocate genocide — yet.

Once again we see that liberal thought is not just juvenile, asinine,
and wrong. It is evil and insane. In a word, it's satanic.
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