we now have a first lady to be proud of !
and what exactly is it that we should be proud of?

On Feb 11, 8:12 am, "liberal mike532  !" <littlemike...@gmail.com>
> Michelle Obama to Appear on Vogue 
> Coverhttp://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/10/michelle-obama-to-appea...
> By Rachel L. Swarns
> Is there a modeling contract in the First Lady’s future? First Lady
> Michelle Obama, who has juggled press conferences and parent-teacher
> conferences, will appear on the March cover of Vogue magazine, a
> spokesman for the magazine said on Tuesday.
> Mrs. Obama, who was photographed wearing a sleek and sleeveless
> magenta silk dress designed by Jason Wu, is the second first lady to
> appear on the cover. Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose photo was splashed
> on the cover in December 1998, was the first.
> “Vogue has a tradition of photographing the first lady,’’ said
> Patrick
> O’Connell, director of communications for Vogue.
> The tradition began with Lou Hoover, wife of President Herbert
> Hoover,
> Mr. O’Connell said. The magazine has published photographs of all of
> the first ladies with the exception of Bess Truman, the wife of
> President Harry S. Truman. (All of them – aside from Mrs. Obama and
> Mrs. Clinton – appeared inside the magazine.)
> The photographs of Mrs. Obama – several appear inside the magazine as
> well — were taken by Annie Leibovitz while the Obamas were living at
> the Hay Adams hotel in early January.
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