From: Travis
Subject: Is Obama Insane?
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009

 Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Is Obama
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and
expecting a different result, I must content our president is insane.
The so-called stimulus plan is nothing new. Governments in Japan, France,
Sweden, Argentina, Brazil and countless others have tried this approach. The
United States tried it under Roosevelt during the Great Depression, it did
not work then, it will not work now.

A few specific examples.
Germany after World War I
Brazil in 1990 (inflation rate reached 30,000%
The lost decade in Japan

My question to Mr. Obama is thus:
What leads you to believe that this will work?

During the Great Depression President Roosevelt paid farmers not to grow
certain crops and to destroy millions of hogs to raise the price. This at a
time when people were starving.

Today President Obama wants to take hundreds of billions of dollars out of
an already bad economy, and give it state governments. The same state
governments (like California) who have wasted their money for years and now
find themselves at the brink of bankruptcy.

This administration and the spending plan have become dangerous!

In the past I've written that my biggest concern was the baby-boomers and
social security. This is no longer in my view the biggest threat facing our
nation. Social Security payments will be cut in half within ten years, and
perhaps as soon as five years.


Many will comment that this is alarmist rhetoric. No, it is in fact history.
Facism took root in Europe during the thirties in response to a devalued
Mark in Germany and economic strife in Italy. This pattern will be repeated
in the coming years. As the economies of the world crumble, people will look
for a scapegoat. When a critical mass rallies around the cry of these
despots, war is sure to follow. Here in the United States, it is not
unlikely that separatists groups will arise, and will have political power.
Those without political power will resort to violence.

When this pattern of history begins to repeat itself the world will once
again look to the United States for assistance in fighting tyranny. When the
people of the United States try to help they will find that the government
has looted the treasury and there is no money left to buy bullets.

Recessions and Depressions can be good things. They expose weakness in the
economy, they expose bad businesses and bad banks. When the bottom is found
these assets are liquidated and we can begin to build a stronger future.

This is not happening today. We are taking the path of least resistance by
borrowing from our future and printing money.

The word crisis is attached to every perceived social injustice. How many
times have you heard the word from politicians in the past? We still talk
about the health care crisis, the environmental crisis, the oil crisis, the
banking crisis. Let me tell you my friends you are about to learn the
meaning of the only crisis that matters, the survival crisis.

My fear isn't that the stimulus package will not work, my fear is that
spending will work. GDP will stabilize and the unemployment rate will
stabilize or go down. But this will only encourage the Democrats to spend
more money, and the Republicans will have lost the will to fight. The next
spending package will be smaller, but will not work, to be followed by the
biggest monstrosity yet. And then the wheels of the economy will collapse

I watched President Obama's press conferece in stunned silence. I felt sure
that the media would understand that we are headed for disaster, Obama said
it himself. Not one member of the press brought up Japan, the
hyper-inflation of South America, or the spending failures of the Roosevelt
administration. Listening to Obama respond to the questions was even more
disturbing. The man doesn't appear to posses even a basic understanding of

Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps Mr. Obamas ego has not gotten the best of him
and he is not insane. There is only one way to tell. We must force the media
through e-mails and phone calls to demand action. If they can force him to
answer the question, "What historical precedence leads you to believe this
will work?" maybe they can force him in to a moments reflection and we can
pull back from the brink.

If not, we face tragedy. This is the case because today, it would be so easy
to fix the economy. We have burdened business with excessive taxes and
regulations for decades. We should peel back a few layers of regulation,
eliminate the corporate tax, lower the tax rate on incomes for all levels of
income, raise interest rates (to stabilize the dollar), and increase the
deposit requirement for banks. We should let the bad businesses fail, let
the bad banks fail, and sell the assets for whatever can be gained.

The economy would grow, as it always has when this is the path nations have
followed. I don't believe this will happen. We will follow the path of
Hoover by raising taxes, and the path of Roosevelt by spending ever more to
smaller interest groups in an effort to hold power at any cost. I hope that
cost is not your life.


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