Best solution is to cut off all payments to broup B and let them fend for
themselves.  Meanwhile group A arms itself to the teeth to ward off group B
and simply shoots any and all of group B that trespass onto group A's

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Philobealo <> wrote:

> Using the power of Obamanomics, Chairman Zero could seize half of your
> property and redistribute it to Henrietta Hughes without taxing you a
> penny. Here's how it works:
> Say Group A works hard and has created $1 trillion in wealth out of
> nothing. Group B smokes crack and watches Oprah, and doesn't create
> any wealth at all. It receives food stamps, welfare, subsidized
> housing, et cetera, ad nauseam, but say Group B has no more wealth
> than it creates. If Chairman Zero wants to spread the wealth around so
> that both groups have the same amount, he doesn't have to take half a
> $trillion from Group A. All he needs to do is give Group B $1 trillion
> dollars that doesn't exist in the form of mortgage bailouts and
> stimulus packages.
> Since the money doesn't exist, the government will have to print it.
> Instead of $1 trillion dollars, there is now $2 trillion that
> represents $1 trillion of actual wealth. By making money worth half as
> much, Obama has effectively seized half of what Group A worked to
> create.
> But there's no reason Group B should settle for only half of the
> wealth. After all, it suffers oppression. This is why Obama is passing
> out more money than exists in the entire economy.
> Just because Obama doesn't need to tax us doesn't mean that he won't.
> Taxes will be going up, because higher taxes are a form of social
> justice. But there will be tax cuts for some — namely, those who don't
> pay any taxes. Some of their welfare handouts will be renamed "tax
> rebates."
> To paraphrase Tom Brokaw: Take that, America!
> >


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