The Bank of England has announced more tinkering with the money
supply, but reportedly is not yet ready to increase the actual supply
of printed paper. The facts are that any action by banks, right up to
printing more paper,  to increase money supply is a stop gap remedy
and ineffective in the long term. Printing more paper is ultimately a
necessity, but there is a catch to that too. The problem is how money
is allocated and utilized. Relying on the private, short sighted,
immediate profits, oriented sector, which comprises most of the
economy, to do what is right for long term economic viability and
establishing and maintaining of real values, is doomed to fail, as
history has repeatedly proven. Regulated, planned, governed economies
will succeed in building the future. However, they will have to be
strictly, thoroughly, controlled by governance that has the interests
of society as a whole at heart, and no longer looks to supporting the
squeezing of the lemon economy to get out its last few drops of profit
juice. We are not quite at the point of tossing out the whole system
as a dead piece of worthless lemon rind, but we will get there unless
policies and attitudes change.

While bank fiddling continues, with bankers and many politicians
seemingly as oblivious as Nero in ancient Rome, to the barbarians at
and inside the gates, capitalist Rome continues to burn. Wall Street
and other exchanges seem already invaded by barbarians. Business
ethics and morality, along with any semblance to responsible whistle
blowing, now seem dim rumors of a long gone and largely forgotten
past. The consequences of failure to rectify the growing tragedy will
be the most extreme ever experienced in world history. The
revolutionary, likely violent, changes that failure at this point will
invariably bring, perhaps in a relatively few decades in more stable
areas, and much more immanently in more fragile areas,  would likely
destroy the last shadows of democracy, condemn capitalist free
enterprise, and hang  many of the politicians, the executives and the
bankers, deemed responsible, from the lamp posts in the streets.
Levels of human frustration are rising beyond what the many stuffed
shirt and out of touch politicians can see from their extremely
distanced from day to day reality, windows on the world. We are closer
to political doomsday, and real systemic meltdown,  than those in
“control” ever imagine and some areas of the world, in the current
economic situation, are already on the edge of total economic, social
and inevitably political upheaval. To them, increasingly, the
overthrow of their existing governments seems the only answer they can
see to the continued growing reign of fear and hopelessness that is
beginning to assert its overwhelming stranglehold over large portions
of the world population. People put in fear and kept in fear long
enough, eventually do what the people of the Soviet did, facing down
the tanks and storming their parliament. Will the cycle now turn full
circle, with one systemic failure followed immanently by another ?

What will be most immanently lost, unless a better and more effective,
long term and more nurturing, action plan is created and effected, are
those large portions of the world who looked to democracy and free
enterprise as promise and hope for a better future, gathering strength
from that hope to break the chains of totalitarianism. Soon, if the
current situation continues, totalitarianism will seem extremely sweet
to those same, extremely disappointed, masses, and they will revert to
that sense of greater order, stability, certainty, and predictability,
contrasted with the uncertainties and terror that a completely
falsified experience of “freedom” and “independence” brought. All the
ground that was won, and more than that, will be lost, unless
something more effective is done, more quickly, than is being done..

The world economy is on verge of breaking up in the manner of a bad
ideological marriage. Unless the various partners can  reconcile
finding common agreement, in terms of what will serve long term goals
and lead to political stability and real progress in terms of the good
of their people, radical division is immanent. The crisis is reaching
a stage where system faith is eroded by 20 years of now broken promise
threatening revolution or radical government changes to planning and
regulation. The worst case scenarios include such extremes as
widespread nationalization of foreign assets, and the recall of
existing currencies, with their replacement by new currency, to void
possession by those who are deemed criminals, subsequent to the
ousting of some, less stable than average, governments who are seen as
having allowed the crisis to happen. Will that worst case happen ?  Do
we want to gamble, and spin that wheel one more time to see where it
lands ?  Whether we will see some major regimes toppled, by force or
military coup, if the crisis continues to deepen, is about the same
odds as tossing a penny: heads or tails, do you win or do you lose ?
And if not this time, then next time when the current injection fix of
quick capital relief peters out and dissipates same as the previous
injection did ?

As to the money we must remember the fact that following the media  no
one has been adequately able to describe where the “missing” money
really went. That in itself is a major cause of fear and concern for
many. It simply is not there anymore. Well, we can all understand that
it has to be somewhere. It cannot simply disappear. Regardless of that
fact we can see even more clearly than ever that most of the things
that most need to be done to serve society as a whole, in terms of
immediate and long term values, are largely not getting done. So there
is a lack of money for those purposes. Government needs to create that
money, and to control its expenditure. However, it also needs to
recover the largest portion of what it spends, via radical revision of
how it taxes the wealthy and corporations. The money expended has to
be largely scooped up again and recirculated back into maintaining
those new values, in service of society as a whole, and for additional
new projects establishing those values. We can clearly see that in the
system as it exists the money simply goes “poof”. It is simply gone.
There is no money to support society’s real needs and to establish and
maintain real, lasting, values.

It is certain that unplanned, unregulated, ungoverned, creation of
more money to lend will inevitably prove more disastrous in the long
term. Although more money is necessary, how it is used, needs to be
carefully controlled by wise governance, not left to the same fate as
the "missing" money that the current crisis is being blamed on. The
money will not lead to a stable economy supporting long term values,
nurturing lives rather than providing little more than a quick spurt,
money junky fix, and another subsequent crash even worse than the
current collapse into sudden withdrawal and systemic desperation..

We know that change is the only universal constant, but what is
happening is too much change in situation and expectations, with too
little change in pockets, for most who are most seriously affected by
the consistently darkening worldwide gloom.

Robert Morpheal

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