Wingnuttery: Saddam Hussein involved in Oklahoma City bombing

by bradams

Mon Mar 16, 2009 at 08:04:12 PM PDT

I thought even the most hardcore conservatives had given up on the
myth that Saddam Hussein played a role in the September 11 attacks and
had moved on to other arguments like liberating the Iraqi people.
Still, it wasn't entirely surprising to me to hear the argument
brought up again on last Thursday's episode of Hardball by well-known
neocon Frank Gaffney, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Reagan Administration.

I can understand the desperation his supporters must feel to come up
with some basis on which to defend W's horrible administration.
Anyway, when I heard Gaffney insisting there was a direct connection
between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, I basically dismissed the argument as
neoconservative noise and went on with my day.

Then today I tuned in just in time to see Chris show a clip from
Thursday's show. I couldn't believe my ears.

Gaffney's argument in support of Bush's decision to remove Saddam
Hussein from power was that not only was Saddam Hussein determined to
avenge his Desert Storm defeat, not only was he in cahoots with with
Al-Qaeda and involved in both the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center, but Gaffney claims there is "substantial circumstantial
evidence" that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing!! That's right, the neoconservatives now want to pin the 1995
Oklahoma City bombing on Saddam Hussein. Can you believe it?

Not sure how I missed this incredible moment the first time around. I
think Chris must have also missed it initially because as far as I
know he didn't mention it until today's show when he showed the clip

This is the kind of crap that I might expect to hear people talking
about on Free Republic. But for a former Reagan defense official to go
on television and spin this really blows my mind.

The entire clip is worth watching but if you want to skip to the
Oklahoma City part, skip ahead to the 1:40 mark.
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