AP Continues to Perpetuate US-Kyoto 1997 Mythology

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TBlumer @ 11:04 am

No environment-related historical myth seems stronger than the one 
claiming that if it weren't for the Republican Congress in the late 
1990s and President George W. Bush after that, the US would have 
ratified the Kyoto Treaty and would be under mandatory strictures 
designed to combat alleged "global warming" --- which, as frequently 
noted here and elsewhere, has been, depending on the source referenced, 
on hiatus for eight years to over a decade 

In an article about the Obama administration's upcoming involvement in 
international negotiations about so-called "climate change" after what 
he calls "eight years on the sidelines" ("US takes new climate change 
agenda to global talks"), the Associated Press's Dina Capiello continued 
the wire service's dishonorable long-term perpetuation of the GOP-bad, 
Dems-good myth (just a few previous posts on other AP examples are here 
and here <http://newsbusters.org/node/10190> at NewsBusters; here 
and here 
at BizzyBlog) by writing that 

    And unlike 1997, when the Kyoto Protocol was drafted, there is now a
    Democratic-controlled Congress moving to embrace mandatory limits on
    greenhouse gases.

Yeah, if it weren't for those nasty Republicans, Bill Clinton and Al 
Gore would have gotten Kyoto ratified, and all would be right with the 

Uh, not exactly.

For the umpteenth time, this is the truth about what happened in 1997, 
as noted in this 2005 Wall Street Journal editorial 

    In 1997, the U.S. Senate adopted the Byrd-Hagel Resolution by 95-0,
    urging the Clinton Administration not to sign any climate-change
    protocol that "would result in serious harm to the economy." In 1998
    Al Gore signed the Protocol. Yet President Clinton .... never
    submitted it to the Senate.

At the time, there were 45 Democrats 
in the Senate. Obviously, at least 40 Democrats voted for the Byrd-Hagel 

Another clear and inconvenient truth is that Gore's signature was only 

The difference between 2009 and 1997 is not, as Capiello implies, that 
Congress is controlled by Democrats. It's that there is a Congress that 
happens to be controlled by Democrats may be, as Capiello claims without 
qualification and without providing clear evidence, "moving to embrace 
mandatory limits on greenhouse gases."

One thing that hasn't changed is AP's dogged and disgraceful insistence 
on misleading readers about what really happened with Kyoto.

/Cross-posted at NewsBusters.org./

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