If you trace back you'll find that most Negroes living in the US have
at least some white blood thanks the practice of "noblese oblige" as
far as "Droit du seigneur jus primae noctis" is concerned.

Sorry I am not familiar with the English. It is the Lords right to
"do" the bride... before (actually when he damned well pleased) the
husband or assigned mate.

On Apr 6, 5:33 pm, rigsy03 <rigs...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> A mule and 40 acres.
> On Apr 6, 6:05 pm, dick thompson <rhomp2...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > So how much are they going to pay into the reparations?
> > Claguerra245 wrote:
> > > Barack Obama's Family Owned Slaves
> > > The Obama family did their part to plant racism in the DNA of AmeriKKKa.
> > > <http://bp2.blogger.com/_L6pDyjqqsvY/SAU2VFKvkOI/AAAAAAAAM6Q/8MrNLp1CD...>
> > > Barack Obama is pictured here with his mother, sister and step-father.
> > > (Right Celebrity
> > > <http://celebrity.rightpundits.com/?pp_album=main&pp_cat=&pp_image=Oba...>)
> > > Barack Obama's ancestors owned slaves according to a report released
> > > by a genealogist who works at the Library of Congress.
> > > */The Chicago Tribune/*
> > > <http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0703020128mar02,1,...>
> > > reported:
> > > Many people know that Democratic presidential candidate Barack
> > > Obama's father was from Kenya and his mother from Kansas.
> > > But an intriguing sliver of his family history has received almost
> > > no attention until now: It appears that forebears of his white
> > > mother owned slaves, according to genealogical research and census
> > > records.
> > > The records, which had never been addressed publicly by the
> > > Illinois senator or his relatives, were first noted in an ancestry
> > > report compiled by William Addams Reitwiesner, who works at the
> > > Library of Congress and practices genealogy in his spare time. The
> > > report, on Reitwiesner's Web site, carries a disclaimer that it is
> > > a "first draft" --one likely to be examined more closely if Obama
> > > is nominated.
> > > According to the research, one of Obama's great-great-great-great
> > > grandfathers, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves who were
> > > recorded in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky. The same records
> > > show that one of Obama's
> > > great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers, Mary Duvall, also
> > > owned two slaves.
> > > The Baltimore Sun retraced much of Reitwiesner's work, using
> > > census information available on the Web site ancestry.com and
> > > documents retrieved by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and
> > > Archives, among other sources. The records show that Overall, then
> > > 30, owned a 15-year-old black female and a 25-year-old black male,
> > > while Mary Duvall, his mother-in-law, owned a 60-year-old black
> > > man and a 58-year-old black woman.
> > > /Hat Tip BG/
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Save money by eating out! Find great dining coupons in your area
> > > <http://www.when.com/search?st=restaurant&has_gift_cert=1&ncid=emlcntu...>.-
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