You are wrong.  Not soon enough.  Jan 21 would not have been soon enough.

plainolamerican wrote:
> not to worry
> he'll political history soon enough
> On Aug 16, 9:59 pm, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
>> *Most blatant nose-thumbing to the American people ever conceived*
>> *Obama: A One-Term Blunder?*
>> Jerry McConnell
>> Bio<>
>> Email 
>> Article<?subject=Canadafreepress.Com:%20Obama:%20A%20One-Term%20Blunder?&bo 
>> dy=>
>>       *By* *Jerry McConnell*  Sunday, August 16, 2009
>> Jeffrey T. Kuhner authored a column in the August 15, 2009 Washington Times
>> titled, A failed, single term? with which I am in total agreement.
>> He referred to the current, in my opinion, illegal occupant of the White
>> House in Washington, DC, Barack H. Obama, who continues to pay highly touted
>> legal-eagles to keep his vital birth information secret.  Any normally
>> honest person so besieged by so many millions of people would just show that
>> information to settle an ongoing turmoil and usurpation of an elected office
>> that requires a natural born citizen to legally hold.
>> This secrecy, especially from a person who loudly and often proclaimed that
>> his administration would be the most transparent of any ever in our history,
>> has to be the most blatant nose-thumbing to the American people ever
>> conceived.  Why is this man so frightened of the mere action of producing a
>> legitimate and legal document that shows the total information required to
>> determine a persons qualification to be eligible to be president of the
>> United States, if not that he is a fraud and would have to give up his
>> chance for glory?
>> If said document has been destroyed, accidentally or intentionally, then the
>> second option would be to produce all other legal documents such as
>> educational, applications for passports, travel to foreign countries, etc.
>> If one insists on his innocence, proof should not be so difficult to
>> produce.  Refusal only gives credence to the charges of false occupancy of
>> office.
>> This scenario alone, should and most likely will contribute heavily to the
>> case of a failed, single term. But Mr. Kuhner provides much additional
>> information why the single term summary will prevail for this arrogant and
>> uncaring illegal usurper and he states that while Obama was on the campaign
>> trail prior to the election he sold himself as a pragmatic moderate when he
>> is the very opposite.
>> That, most of us didnt have to be told; if ever there was a prolific liar as
>> a candidate contest, Mr. Obama would have to rank as the undisputed
>> champion.  His multiple swings away from the reality of his deep rooted
>> Islamic background to his outright adoration of that religion as well as his
>> haughty disavowal of any influence his so-called Christian minister, Rev.
>> Wright, yet steady and loyally attending and heeding of that mans outwardly
>> stated hatred for America, leaves no doubt that Obama practices are
>> different from his faith absorption.
>> Obama is an unconventional, very far leftist having been mentored by
>> radicals some of whom are considered to be among Americas greatest enemies
>> even while enjoying the fruits and luxurious living standards that his
>> country provides.  Having close advisers such as Rahm Emanuel, David
>> Alexrod, Eric Holder, Saul Alinsky, and Bill Ayers there is little or no
>> chance for America to get a fair break.
>> His cabinet, if all his original choices had continued on to confirmation
>> instead of dropping out after disclosures as to their unfitness, would have
>> been a virtual rogues gallery of off the beaten path scoundrels.  Even so,
>> there are still a few members that most good, honest and decent presidential
>> incumbents would never, ever had serving this country.
>> Mr. Kuhner adds that Mr. Obamas presidency is starting to look like the
>> worst in 100 years; his $787 billion stimulus has failed to restore recover;
>> unemployment remains high; massive spending projecting deficits in
>> multi-trillions with debt reaching more than $10 trillion; and massive
>> borrowing and spending making us a second-class nation.
>> Many people are speaking out against the grisly and ghastly Obama Health
>> Care (or should that be care-less) Plan that would subject senior citizens
>> to the trash bins of hospitals and medical centers.  There has been some
>> denial and back-tracking on this issue of late, but who knows when and if
>> that man can be trusted; he has never lived up to any of his promises since
>> he came on the public scene.
>> And that is another monstrous money-eating proposition that he claims will
>> be less costly.  Less costly than what; building a bridge to Mars?  And what
>> will we have when it is approved; doctor shortages due to the fact Obama
>> wants to give free health care to 20 million illegal aliens, along with
>> their citizenship papers while the rest of us pay the bill; socialized and
>> rationed medical care with long waiting lines and under-paid medical staffs
>> and doctors.
>> This wayward government will probably establish government-run medical
>> schools to take unqualified and poorly educated people in and rush them
>> through a sham medical training program just to get bodies out on the
>> streets to cope with the throngs of sick and injured and dying people who
>> are growing older just waiting for medical attention.  And dont discount
>> that assessment, it has been happening in Europe and other countries for
>> many years now.
>> Another area where Obama has reneged is in his tax pledge and campaign
>> promise for no tax increases on families earning less than $250,000 or on 95
>> percent of the people.  Already, only months off the campaign trail, that
>> rhetoric is now absent in all projection speeches, so it seems reasonable to
>> assume there is no bottom figure for the no-tax gimmick speech.  What is
>> more prevalent now is the soak-the-rich plan to pay for the foolish and
>> unnecessary health care reform.
>> The Washington Post some months ago reported on a gathering of top
>> Administration officials, Tres. Secretary Geithner, Sen. Conrad, Rahm
>> Emanuels brother Ezekiel, and others who agreed that a Value Added Tax (VAT)
>> would have to be on the table.  So for every $100 spent, you would pay an
>> extra $10 in sales taxes.
>> All of these taxes in whatever form and whatever amounts will play second
>> fiddle to the Big Whopper that will come in the form of direct tax payments
>> to cover the hellaciously high costs to curb the annual farce of global
>> warming and its attendant costs to keep more government researchers with pay
>> checks to lie about how man causes climate change.
>> Some estimates have ranged that gasoline may increase by as much as 400
>> percent and home electricity bills about the same.  These increases
>> naturally will effect every other product manufactured causing the greatest
>> tax increases in the history of mankind and then some.  All to keep a bunch
>> of liberal university professors and political hacks in a salary range to
>> which they have become accustomed, while 30 some thousand legitimate
>> scientists claim global warming is a hoax.
>> There are so many more schemes this Administration has in store for the
>> gullible liberals who eat up everything Obama and company dish out,
>> palatable or not.  A lot of it will be held off to be applied immediately
>> AFTER the 2010 elections, if enough liberal Democrats can hang on to their
>> seats in Congress, because without them, Obama is going nowhere and 2012 is
>> his watershed mark in history.
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