So, - - - - Do you get it?
Jessie Ventura said; “Politics today is exactly like pro wrestling,
I’m gonna kick your butt, you are a this and that, but behind the
scenes they are all buddies, they go out and have dinner with each
other and talk about times.  It is show biz”
Get it Yet???
Your voting in members of the same staff.

On Nov 21, 4:46 pm, Dave <> wrote:
> For the past 30 years, the lowest average National Debt Increase
> stretch was from 1994-2006, when the conservatives had the majority of
> congress.
> When Democrats outnumbered Republicans in Congress for their 2 year
> term - The Average 2 Year % Increase to the Public Debt was 25.125%
> When Republicans outnumbered Democrats in Congress for their 2 year
> term - The Average 2 Year % Increase to the Public Debt was 10.57%
> (in rounded Millions of dollars)
> YEAR    DEBT    DIFFERENCE            2 YEAR
>                         FROM PREV         % INCREASE
>                          YEARS DEBT
> 2008 10,024,725 1,017,072
> 2007  9,007,653   500,679
> 2006-2008 Democrat Congress Margin +32    17.8%
> 2006  8,506,974   574,264
> 2005  7,932,710   553,657
> 2004-2006 Democrat Congress Margin -41    15.3%
> 2004  7,379,053   595,822
> 2003  6,783,231   554,995
> 2002-2004 Democrat Congress Margin -28    18.5%
> 2002  6,228,236   420,773
> 2001  5,807,463   133,285
> 2000-2002 Democrat Congress Margin  -8     9.8%
> 2000  5,674,178    17,907
> 1999  5,656,271   130,078
> 1998-2000 Democrat Congress Margin -22     2.7%
> 1998  5,526,193   113,047
> 1997  5,413,146   188,335
> 1996-1998 Democrat Congress Margin -32     5.8%
> 1996  5,224,811   250,828
> 1995  4,973,983   281,233
> 1994-1996 Democrat Congress Margin -42    11.3%
> 1994  4,692,750   281,261
> 1993  4,411,489   346,868
> 1992-1994 Democrat Congress Margin +94    15.5%
> 1992  4,064,621   399,318
> 1991  3,665,303   431,990
> 1990-1992 Democrat Congress Margin +112    25.7%
> 1990  3,233,313   375,882
> 1989  2,857,431   255,093
> 1988-1990 Democrat Congress Margin +95    24.2%
> 1988  2,602,338   252,061
> 1987  2,350,277   224,974
> 1986-1988 Democrat Congress Margin +91    22.4%
> 1986  2,125,303   179,361
> 1985  1,945,942   282,976
> 1984-1986 Democrat Congress Margin +65    27.8%
> 1984  1,662,966   252,264
> 1983  1,410,702   213,629
> 1982-1984 Democrat Congress Margin +95    38.9%
> 1982  1,197,073   168,344
> 1981  1,028,729    98,519
> 1980-1982 Democrat Congress Margin +41    28.7%
> 1980    930,210
> .
> .
> .
> .
> If you misunderstood the table it may be because google groups uses a
> proportional font.
> Example taken from my table -
> (in rounded Millions of dollars)
> YEAR        DEBT                  DIFFERENCE              2 YEAR
>                                                 FROM PREV
>                                                 YEARS DEBT
> 1984         1,662,966                     252,264
> 1983         1,410,702                     213,629
>        1982-1984 Democrat Congress Margin +95                38.9%
> 1982         1,197,073                    168,344
> 1981         1,028,729                      98,519
>        1980-1982 Democrat Congress Margin +41                28.7%
> As how I came up with my figures -
> 1982 - Senate -  54R  46D
> 1982 - HR     - 166R 269D
> Total Democrats - Total Republicans = Democrat Majority Margin  = 315D
> - 220R = +95 (There were 95 more Democrats in Congress then there were
> Republicans from 1982-1984)
> (in rounded Millions of dollars)
> From 1982-1984 the Debt rose from (base debt) 1,197,073 to 1,662,966 -
> an increase of 465,893.
> The amount of increase / The base debt = its percentage increase
> so 465,893 / 1,197,073 = 0.38919 = 38.9%
> From this information I can say -
> From 1982 through 1984, when the Democrats had a majority in Congress,
> the National Debt increased by 38.9%
> And the last thing I did -
> Averaged all those individual National Debt increases when Democrats
> had a majority of Congress = 25.125%
> Averaged all those individual National Debt increases when Republicans
> had a majority of Congress = 10.57%
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> My Data only looks at 2 things -
> 1. The Yearly National Debt
> 2. And the total number of Democrats versus the total number of
> Republicans in Congress per 2 year term
> Nothing else is relevant.  Not Voodoo Economics.  Not the Gross
> Domestic Product.  Not TARP.  Not Reagan.  Not Bush.  Not Clinton.
> If you do not understand my chart, you may want to ask someone who is
> good with numbers to help you out.
> .
> .
> .
> .
> Change the '1982' at the end of each of these links to whatever year
> you wish to look 
> up,_1982
> - OR -
> Change the '110th' in the middle of this link to whatever numbered
> congress you wish to look 
> up

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