Excuse me, but aren't you a big fan of government control? Who do you
think required cops to be used as traffic control and defined how much
they had to be paid? Who do you think required the excessive

On Apr 3, 12:07 am, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I got a job installing fiber optic cable in a very affluent
> conservative neighborhood in NJ.
> Some of the houses there are $10-$30 million houses.
> The problem is, my boss isn't making any money off the job, nor are
> the other contractors on the job.
> Why?
> Because the company that got the contract has to pay the cops there to
> direct traffic.
> The cost of paying the police to do this amounts to in excess of $500
> a day for each cop. Instead of $100 a day for civilian flaggers the
> subcontractor (my boss) would employ.
> Plus the $500+ the cops are making is above and beyond their regular
> pay...which I would assume most of them are already making $80k a year
> salaries already.
> The contract will be over in another week anyway, then I'll be out of
> a job again. My boss said he'd rather collect unemployment than work
> at those rates again. But he's going to Washington DC to work on a
> more lucrative fiber optic contract. And no, I'm not going there with
> him even though he wanted me to.
> And that's the problem with road construction contracts also.
> The contractors typically move around the country and only take a few
> employees with them, leaving the bulk of employees behind and out of a
> job after the contract is over.
> Obama, wake up and stop living in a fantasy world of rewarding the
> rich for doing virtually nothing, and penalizing the poor for doing
> all the actual work....if they can get work that is.
> If people wanted that, electing you would not have been necessary in
> the first place.
> Personally I could care less whether you're re-elected or not, as all
> you politicians are just lying money grubbing buffoons anyway.
> ---
> In other news; some idiot doctor says he won't provide medical
> treatment to anyone who voted for Obama.
> Not only does this violate a doctors Hippocratic oath, but it's
> probably illegal besides.
> Most likely he'll be sued and put out of practice for being a
> political ideologue over a doctor.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36152956/ns/health-health_care/

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