He is completely delusional.  Typical liberal mind-- the complete
inability to see the core arguments.  Liberals  can't argue the
underlying philosophical points because they can't even SEE them.
It is unbelievable.  He is lost in his poll responses which never
asked the right questions in the first place. Then he proceeds to
misinterpret the results.  I guess I should feel hopeful that liberals
are so delusional but the fact that these people are constantly
looking for more psychological hooks to drag in more sheep should be a
real concern.  Will we ever have an actual debate over the core
issues? Not likely.  Not with people like him.  Not with liberals.  It
is like showing a card trick to a dog.

  Have you noticed that liberals suck at arguing?  I have.  It sure
shows on this board doesn't it?  (at minimum).  I can boil down the
liberal philosophy in two sentences:  "The ends justify the means"
"What are our ends? Our NEEDS"  That is it, that is all there is to
it.  Analyze any liberal "argument" and those two sentences will
emerge, spelled out in the dried crusty brown powder of their entire

On Jul 31, 8:17 am, dick thompson <rhomp2...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/31/opinion/sunday/tuning-out-the-democ...

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