On Jul 31, 8:41 am, Morpheal <morpheal.producti...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> While media and politicians have been emphasizing the potential
> default as the crisis, it really is not and that is very misleading to
> all concerned.

What about 15 trillion dollars in debt do you find "misleading?"

> The cuts that are likely to be made will have far more
> negative impact, and are the real crisis.

Nothing is free, everything costs money.  I can't believe I have to
explain this.  What is worse is you still won't understand.

> Default being a short term condition, but cuts being long
> term in their effects.

We can HOPE, but don't hold your breath.  (On second thought, hold
your breath, this world is harmed by people like you who have no
concept of money.)

 >Worse yet, cuts mean lack of new programs at a
> time when those are badly needed.

You and your needs.  Needs, needs, needs.  How about paying for them
yourself?  Unthinkable concept?

 >That is an even worse crisis.

I know!  The real crisis is  people like you who don't care about
cost, or money, or debt, or ANYTHING except needs.

>A  crisis that would have immeasurable impact on recovery, progress, in
> fact the entire future of America and the effectiveness of its leading
> example in the free world.

You better start paying attention to debt. It is important.  What do
you do when you run out of money?  I am really curious.

> I do not want to belittle the default in saying this, but it has taken 
> excessive precedence, masking the real
> crisis, which is the drastic shrinking of the budget in a time of
> increasing need.

So basically what you are saying is we should go into even MORE debt.
Brilliant thinking!

>It could become severe enough, if cuts are as deep as
> some propose, that some states would be pushed over the brink, and
> many more people would suffer the deep and lasting consequences.

Hello?  If we don't deal with the debt you will see far worse

> Robert Ezergailis
> Hamilton, Canada

Robert,  it is none of your business.  Why do you care?  You just keep
sucking off your government teat while there is still milk in the
Someday you will grasp the concept of money and debt the hard way.

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