Koch Brothers like to pick on a old Jew Like Soros?
not because he's a jew, but because he's a socialist

Why? They are Jew-Hating Corporate Aryan Pigs!!!!!!!!
choose sides carefully
socialist promoting jews should be identified and shunned

Soros was not a large donor to US political causes until the 2004
presidential election, but according to the Center for Responsive
Politics, during the 2003–2004 election cycle, Soros donated
$23,581,000 to various 527 groups dedicated to defeating President
After Bush's re-election, Soros and other donors backed a new
political fundraising group called Democracy Alliance, which supports
socialist causes.

the USA is not a socialist nation or a charity organization

On Aug 3, 12:21 pm, Stephen Stink <not4ud...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> You notice that Koch Brothers like to pick on a old Jew Like Soros?
> Why? They are Jew-Hating Corporate Aryan Pigs!!!!!!!!
> Silly people!
> Wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> On Aug 2, 11:50 am, Keith In Tampa <keithinta...@gmail.com> wrote:> No one 
> has elected George Soros either.
> > You should take a quick course in economics, and maybe contemporary
> > history.  Learn the definition of communism, socialism,  Trotskyism,
> > Maoism,  Stalinism,  and discover that none of these forms of social and
> > political economic systems have ever worked, through recorded history.
> > Free enterprise and capitalism is the only viable economic systems that have
> > stood the test of time.  
> Capitalism is monopoly you moron!!!!!!!!
> El Duche Beleived in Monopoly run by Aryans you dooty head!
> Free Enterprise to selling pot you jerk off!
> Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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