> On Sep 25, 2018, at 11:49 PM, Evžen Wybitul <wybitul.ev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I followed the tutorial from the official Pollen docs 
> <http://docs.racket-lang.org/pollen/mini-tutorial.html> and tried to make 
> Pygments work. I have installed Pygments with both pip and easy_install, and 
> have `pygmentize` available on PATH. My `.html.pm` file looks exactly like 
> the example from the linked tutorial; and yet, the code isn't getting parsed 
> and is only inserted in <pre><code>. Could somebody help me troubleshoot this?

When you run this:

#lang pollen/markup
◊(require pollen/unstable/pygments)

You should get this:

Using Pygments.
   ((class "highlight"))
    ((class "sourcetable"))
      (td ((class "linenos")) (div ((class "linenodiv")) (pre "1")))
       ((class "code"))
       (div ((class "source")) (pre (span ((class "mi")) "42") "\n"))

Or, if you just get code wrapped in `<pre><code> ···`, that's a sign that your 
`pygments` installation couldn't be found by `pollen/unstable/pygments`.

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