Hi Eric,

One thing that is going to bite you is styling. If you don't use the
Polymer.dom APIs, the children added imperatively won't have the correct
style-scope class added, so you may see styling anomalies. (For example,
those children will behave as if they aren't in shadow DOM, and be styled
by document-level CSS.)

There is an scopeSubtree method that may help you here. It's designed for
situations where you have a plugin or third-party library that just wants
to squirt some DOM nodes into a container. You'd do something like this:

   this.scopeSubtree(myContainerNode, observe);

If observe is true, it creates a mutation observer and scopes descendants
as they're added and removed from the container. If observe is false, only
the current descendants are scoped.

This is certainly not a cure-all, but it may help in certain cases.


On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 9:51 AM, Eric Eslinger <eric.eslin...@gmail.com>

> Hmm, the good news is that just shutting my eyes, going "la la la" and
> pretending that Polymer.dom doesn't exist seems to work just fine. I built
> a test angular application that uses paper-drawer-panel,
> paper-header-panel, and paper-icon-button to add paper-icon-buttons to a
> list on a timeout using angular's $interval callback to append items to an
> array and angular's ng-repeat and ng-if directives to manipulate the DOM.
> My hypothesis here is that I'm only ever really adding new child nodes in
> the already-distributed DOM elements.
> I whipped up a simple bunch of test cases for most of my UI elements here:
> https://github.com/ericeslinger/paulAnka
> in the event anyone cares to keep score at home. I'd love someone to point
> out areas where the Polymer shady DOM is going to bite me in the .. well
> any place would be a bad place to be bitten. If I can get this working for
> all of the polymer elements I currently use in production, I'll move
> forward on it.
> e
> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 12:48 PM 'Steve Orvell' via Polymer <
> polymer-dev@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> We have experimented with patching dom traversal and mutation api's, and
>> there's an experimental import in Polymer that does this. It can let some
>> libraries interoperate more smoothly with Shady DOM powered elements that,
>> for example, perform distribution. We're continuing to work on it and
>> explore if it should be integrated out of the box or be available as an opt
>> in layer.
>> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 6:09 AM, <jim.j.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Was there a reason that the built-in versions of the Polymer.dom API
>>> couldn't be monkeypatched?  In other words, why not make
>>> document.querySelector or element.querySelector behave like Polymer.dom's
>>> version?  Wouldn't this increase interoperability with third party
>>> libraries?
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