Considering then ML semantics is so carefully defined the syntax is really a mess. There are lots of informal comments which make it really quite difficult to understand exactly what is allowed and what is not.

The ML90 definition says "For each value binding pat = exp within rec, exp must be of the form fn match, possibly constrained by one or more type expressions". The ML97 definition removed the final clause so implying that type constraints were no longer allowed.

Poly/ML has always allowed type constraints on recursive bindings and also, by default, parentheses. A recent change has meant that parentheses are now included in the parse tree which is why the check failed. Because there doesn't seem to be any logical reason to exclude parentheses I've now changed the check to allow parentheses.

By the way, a type constraint is allowed on a fun binding but it applies only to the result type not to the type of the function as a whole.


Rob Arthan wrote:
This looked like a really useful feature so I thought I'd try it out. Unfortunately, I have code that fails as in the cut-down example below:

Poly/ML 5.3 Enhanced Reporting Testing
 > val rec f = (fn x => ());
Error-Recursive declaration is not of the form `fn match'
Found near val rec f = (fn x => ())
Static Errors

If this is intended, I presume the enhanced reporting includes a check that disallows the brackets around the right-hand side of the declaration. I note that hamlet also says that this is an error, so there is support for reading the standard that way. I suspect I will not be alone in having a fair amount of code that doesn't conform.

This looks like another place where Standard ML imposes unintuitive constraints that make it hard to write readable, maintainable code. The reason for using "val rec" rather than "fun" in the real code is that I want to give a type constraint on the function (which for no obvious reason is not allowed in a "fun" binding); the reason for the brackets is that the declaration is long and I want to be able to use bracket matching to find the end.

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