Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. I used this kind of trees in Prolog but since
I'm worried about the access time I didn't take this datatype into consideration.
I'll have a look into your links. M
anagement of very huge sets of data frequently
is a hybrid form of trees and hash tables, so trees can't be inherently bad in terms
of performance.

Looking at the superficial outline structure first is indeed a technique worth knowing
and searching can be carried out well without hashing on sorted lists by binary seach
for example. However, these problems require case-by-case decisions. Since PolyML
has hashing I'd like to give it a try and I would appreciate to see an example.


Am 10/17/2012 01:52 PM, schrieb Makarius:
On Wed, 17 Oct 2012, Michael Moeller wrote:

Thanks for the links, I'll look into it. Talking about large amounts of data, do you happen to have an example of using HashArray? This would be great.

Maybe someone else on the list has experience with hash tables.

In Isabelle/ML we do the "large data" management in memory as immutable tree structures.  This allows to conserve a lot of memory in Poly/ML 5.5.0 in particular, where David provides this exceedingly nice online sharing of old/life data on the heap.  It also works well with multicore / multithread programming to have everything persistent, immutable, sharable by default.

The main workhorse for map/set-like structures in Isabelle/ML is

This is a quite efficient and reasonably simple implementation of 2-3 trees.  When starting that in 1999, I've first had a look at the red-black tree implementation in SML/NJ (ported from C) and was not convinced -- later some people found actual problems in it that might be still there.

Another prerequisite of efficiency are reasonable order functions defined on the key values for indexing tables.  E.g. for type string we look at the length in the descriptor first, before walking through the memory to compare the text (you cannot do this in C).  Same for complex types like lists, trees, lambda-terms etc.: first compare superficial outline structure, then walk down to the content.

Since red-black trees are more present in the public these days (why?), several people have worked on this verified implementation using Isabelle/HOL:

You can backport that to SML manually, or use the Isabelle/HOL generator to produce SML, Haskell, Scala etc. -- the result would not look much worse than the C -> SML translation performed by hand in SML/NJ some years ago.


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