On 11/04/13 16:11, David Matthews wrote:
On 11/04/2013 11:44, Makarius wrote:
On Thu, 11 Apr 2013, David Matthews wrote:

I misunderstood the motivation for polyc.  I thought that it was to
allow those without compiling/linking knowledge to easily build
executables, i.e. to de-skill the process.  Whilst such users may
realize that

   ./configure --prefix <non-standard location>



they would not realize that they need (assuming no super-user


I just wonder how common that case is.

Perhaps I'm wrong.  I guess if there was a simple, portable way of
sorting out the paths I'd consider it.

Maybe this is just something to be prominently documented in installation instructions!

I am also wondering whether libtool helps. I know very little about it though.

 From some of the comments on this thread I had the idea that there were
potential users of Poly/ML out there who were put off by the
read-eval-print-loop.  After all, that isn't the way most other
programming languages/implementations work.  Having the --script option
allows those used to scripting to code something up quickly so that's
one group catered for.  Another group of potential users are those used
to the compile-link-execute model and that was the group I was trying to
target with the polyc script.

Understand. I think I probably came up with a different group based on what I thought a Python programmer may typically know. I don't have any experience with Python though nor any Python compilers (if such things exists).

The most elementary wrapper script for standalone ("portable") Poly/ML
directories is included in the attachment.  The real one for Isabelle is
more advanced.  Next time I will consider "./configure
--disable-shared", which I did not know before.

I wonder if --disable-shared should be the default with ./configure.  It
would solve a lot of these problems.  I can see that packagers who are
going to build a package to install to the standard location would want
to build the shared library but users building a stand-alone system
probably don't want it.  If you're only building "poly" anyway there's
no saving by having libpolyml as a separate library.

If, in future, people are building Poly/ML-based applications, I think it would be preferable for the default to be dynamic. For example, I have just tried building the (SML!) GTK+ Hello World demo: the executable is much larger with static linking (768k with -ggdb, 560k stripped) than with dynamic linking (160k, 148k).

The default linking method is quite a significant decision because, if I understand correctly, it fixes the way Poly/ML-based applications are linked, i.e. it is not possible to choose the linking method (to Poly/ML) when building a Poly/ML-based application. Is that correct? (I am intrigued to know why.)


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