On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, David Matthews wrote:

InternalError exceptions are assertions within the compiler. I would expect them to be deterministic unlike assertions in the GC which depend a lot on timing of threads. It should be possible to get to the bottom of this if I'm able to get the ML code that is causing the problem.

Over the years I have seen Poly/ML compiler crashes occasionally, but rather rarely. Usually I managed to point David to some spots in his ML sources, by putting the PolyML.exception_trace combinator just in the right place of the system.

Since Isabelle/ML invokes PolyML.compiler on its own, this often works relatively easily, but sometimes I went through the actual Poly/ML sources and made educated guesses where to make a trace.

Maybe the following may serve as an example how to invoke and manage the PolyML compiler under program control:

  (1) short version (Isabelle/Pure bootstrap):

  (2) long version (full Isabelle/ML managed compilation with IDE markup)

In both cases, the critical bit is the two-stage invocation of PolyML.compiler: first the static then the dynamic phase.


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