The difficulty with getting errno in this way is that by the time you get it it may have changed from the value it had. Any calls to the run-time system may involve a system call that could affect it.

What are you trying to get the value of errno from? If you are using the FFI to call a function that may set errno you really need to either return it as part of the result or save it away somewhere so you can get it later.


On 11/11/2016 17:46, Kostirya wrote:
Could you please advise a good way to obtain the errno value.
I use the following way but I don't like it:

cat errno.c
#include <errno.h>
int get_errno (void) { return errno; }

cat errno.sml
open Foreign
val errnolib = loadLibrary ""
val get_errno = buildCall0 ((getSymbol errnolib "get_errno"), (), cInt)
fun main () = print ("errno=" ^ (Int.toString (get_errno())) ^ "\n")

cc -shared -o errno.c
polyc -o errno errno.sml

env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./errno
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