* David Matthews [2017-11-09 13:55 +0000]:
On 09/11/2017 08:47, Timothy Bourke wrote:
1. Suppress the "Poly/ML 5.7 Release" banner on startup while still showing the inferred types (-q seems to suppress both).

You need "-q" to suppress the banner but then use PolyML.print_depth to control printing.


2. Import a source file without showing the inferred types (PolyML.use seems always to show them).

Again, use PolyML.print_depth before and after you call PolyML.use.

When I call PolyML.print_depth 0 (before a use), I see

 val it = (): unit

which is not ideal, but not really a problem either since I can do all the uses at the very beginning.

3. Have Poly/ML terminate with a non-zero return code when an error is found (after printing the error message).

Use --error-exit. This causes a non-zero return code on any exception including errors detected by the compiler.

OK. I'm sorry for not seeing that before.

Hope that answers your questions.

Perfectly. Thank you!


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