
On 09/03/19 21:10, Rob Arthan wrote:
On 9 Mar 2019, at 16:59, David Matthews <> wrote:

3) On MacOS with —disable-intinf-asint and —enable-compact32bit,
the ProofPower build fails like this:
Assertion failed: (space != 0), function ScanObjectAddress, file quick_gc.cpp, 
line 414.
4) On Fedora with —enable-intinf-asint and —enable-compact32bit,
the ProofPower build fails like this:
pp-ml: quick_gc.cpp:414: virtual PolyObject* 
QuickGCScanner::ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject*): Assertion `space != 0' failed.

This is a last chance to test the current git master before release. Don't forget to run "make compiler" at 
least twice after the initial "make" in order to build the up-to-date compiler and recompile all the code 
with it.  This is particularly important if testing the --enable-compact32bit version.  Some extra checking was added 
during testing and there is a strong chance of getting an assertion failure during the initial "make" or the 
first "make compiler" due to a bug in the pre-built compiler.  If this happens just rerun the step.  Once the 
compiler has been rebuilt it will incorporate a fix.

These are the assertion failure I mentioned.  Did this happen after running "make 

My script did:

make clean
make compiler
make compiler
make install

and it was the "make install" that failed. I also tried it with a third "make 
compiler" and that didn't make any difference.
Doing another "make install" failed in the same way.

To ensure that you have two successful runs of "make compiler", it may be worth adapting the script as follows:

make clean
while ! make compiler ; do echo "** failed, retrying make compiler **" ; done while ! make compiler ; do echo "** failed, retrying make compiler **" ; done
make install

Still, I can't explain why "make install" would fail - I didn't think that invoked poly if the compiler is built. I have built successfully on Fedora (25), and I'm happy to see what differs in your build if you send me your output log and config.status.

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