On 19/10/2020 13:12, David Matthews wrote:
> Instead the foreign function interface is handled essentially as part of the
> compiler.  The high-level interface in the Foreign structure remains unchanged
> but the buildCallN functions now actually compile interface functions.  This
> results in foreign function calls being substantially faster than with libffi;
> at least 10 times faster for trivial calls on the X86/64.  The cost is, of
> course, some extra work when buildCallN is called, meaning that it is
> essential that these functions are only used at the top level.

I have adopted a current version from the Poly/ML repository, see

This did not require any changes, but I also started to experiment with clear
division of the compile-time vs. run-time of Foreign calls. With mixed
results, ending up to dismiss the attempt for now (Isabelle/18eed4f718e0).

Some problems encountered so far:

  * Interpreted arm64-linux does not quite work. A statically compiled
Foreign.buildCall within the heap image causes the dynamic invocation to
"hang"; e.g. see https://isabelle-dev.sketis.net/rISABELLE7cb68b5b103d

    The problem (before the above change) can be reproduced on Raspberry Pi 4
/ PI OS 64bit like this:

    $ isabelle build Pure
    $ isabelle console -l Pure
    ML> SHA1.digest ""  (* hangs *)

  * Native x86_64_32-windows: building an image on one Windows server
installation and running it on another one (Windows 10) caused an error in
accessing the sha1.dll (different file location, potentially different load

  * I did not test linux and macos in that respect yet, but wonder if loading
symbols from a shared library, and storing the result in the ML heap image can
be portable over processes and OS installations.

That is just my feedback for now. I guess we won't need the division of
compiletime/runtime in Isabelle, because the only Foreign call is SHA1.digest,
used on a few big blobs, and not invoked too often.

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