
On 25/11/2021 19:26, Rob Arthan wrote:
-rw-r--r--  1 rda  staff  44217560 Nov 25 19:06 main1.o
-rwxr-xr-x  1 rda  staff  33928480 Nov 25 19:07 main1
-rw-r--r--  1 rda  staff  24260472 Nov 25 19:10 saved_state

Here main1.o is the result of calling PolyML.export, main1 is the executable
and saved_state is the result of calling PolyML.Compiler.saveState.

He is seeing even bigger differences (possibly because he is compiling
on Windows?). The question remains though: why is the .o file much
bigger than the executable and why is the executable much bigger than
the saved state? Can we do anything to reduce the size of the executable.
(We are both calling PolyML.shareCommonData on the entry point function
beforecalling PolyML.export.)

Those figures don't surprise me. The saved state contains data created in the session but because it can only be read into the same executable that created it, it doesn't contain anything present in the executable itself.

PolyML.export produces an object file containing everything that is reachable from the root. It will almost certainly contain portions of the original executable so that the resulting code is self-contained.

The object file (main1.o) contains relocation information needed by the linker. If the root includes ML data structures such as lists there will be a lot of relocation data and that could easily double the size of the file. The size and format of the relocation data depend on the platform so are different in Windows, Linux/BSD and Mac OS. The linker may or may not remove this in the final executable. If the executable is linked to be loaded at a fixed address it doesn't need the relocation information.

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