Steve, Waldek, thanks for your messages.

I used the diff file to change pop/extern/lib/pop_poll.c

Then in $usepop ran:

which went through the usual two phases and then created the standard saved
images in $usepop/pop/lib/psv (without motif -- which required an extra step
that I forgot to add):


So I ran xved (= pop11 +xved)

        (Enter) help rclib
which gives a high level overview of what's available.

A demo that tests a variety of facilities:

        teach rc_control_panel

That loads a 'teach' file that is also executable. The tutorial bits are all in
a long comment, starting at the beginning of the file.

All the components (sliders, buttons, menus, etc.) worked as expected.

Used this to compile the basic sim_agent library.

        uses rclib

        ENTER help rclib

Gives a lot of pointers to available facilites.

        uses simlib

compiles the sim_agent library.

I then tried a demo that uses sim_agent -- a couple of simple "agents"
move toward targets, see each other if close find obstacles, and try to go round
them, also showing [simplified] facial expressions (happy, sad, etc.)

        teach sim_feelings

Another tutorial that's an executable file, mostly consisting of a long tutorial

The agents try to get to their 'targets', going round obstacles (if they can)
and can also be moved by mouse.

Some things make them happy, others neural or sad, depending where
they are and what's in their neighbourhood.

So far everything I've tried worked as expected.

I'll look again at popracer later.


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