Lent in the Vatican: The Pope, the Curia, and the Conclave

Sickness is not preventing John Paul II from fighting out his last battle. But 
in the meantime, maneuvers over his succession are underway. The contenders are 
Ratzinger, three Italians, and one outsider

by Sandro Magister 

ROMA, February 11, 2005 – From the microphone in his room on the tenth floor of 
the general hospital operated by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, 
"Policlinico Gemelli," John Paul II's post-Angelus blessing came to St. Peter's 
Square, his voice hoarse and broken. In addition to his infirmity, silence will 
now be increasingly more pronounced in the life of this pope. But nothing can 
stop him, much less induce him to resign: "Here in the hospital, too, I 
continue to serve the Church and all humanity." 

The Angelus of Sunday, February 6, carried by television stations all over the 
world, was a trailer, a preview of the next phase of the pontificate. This was 
true of both the images and the soundtrack. 

In St. Peter's Square, among the green balloons carried by members of the 
Movement for Life, stood Cardinal Camillo Ruini, John Paul II's vicar for the 
diocese of Rome and president of the Italian bishops' conference. 

By the pope's side at the window of the hospital could be seen Argentine 
archbishop Leonardo Sandri, the substitute secretary of state, and the young 
Polish priest Mietek, a fresh reinforcement for the pope's personal 

The pope entrusted the reading of his message to Sandri, as he has done more 
and more frequently for almost two years. 

Fr. Mietek held in front of the pope a sheet with the Latin blessing and final 
"thank you" printed in large characters. The pope had wanted to say these words 
personally, and did so, with some difficulty. 

Sandri is, in effect, the curia. He's the one who makes the wheels turn, 
cardinal secretary of state Angelo Sodano's faithful and shadowy man of action. 
John Paul II has never taken charge of the ordinary governance of the Church; 
he has always delegated it to the Roman curia. And now that his strength is 
diminished, this delegation has become more broad and is reinforcing the power 
of Sodano and his men. The rule is that the head of each dicastery should leave 
his office when he reaches 75. Sodano will turn 78 in November, but he's still 
at his post. The pope didn't want to lose him. 

Joseph Ratzinger, who will turn 78 in April, is another one of these elderly 
cardinals who are irremovable due to the wishes of John Paul II. If Sodano 
governs the politics of the Church, Ratzinger is the one who watches over its 
doctrine. He has done so for twenty-three years, as head of the Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the Faith. 

Among the 119 cardinals who currently have the right to participate in the 
conclave, Ratzinger is one of only three remaining who elected Karol Wojtyla in 
1978: all of the others received the purple from the reigning pope. But his 
star is not on the decline by any means. There is a widespread group, and not 
only within the curia, campaigning for Ratzinger as the next pope. It is a 
group that made the cover of "Time" a month ago. Age is not a barrier, they 
note: Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was elected at 77 years of age, and then 
convened Vatican Council II, no less, a revolution in the Church of the 20th 
century. Ratzinger's supporters now want him as pope precisely in order to 
repair the failures of that revolution and to guide the Church along a sure 

But there is another circle in the curia that is even closer to John Paul II: 
it is the one seen at the window of the February 6 Angelus in the person of Fr. 
Mietek. The leader of this circle is Stanislaw Dziwisz, from Poland, Wojtyla's 
personal secretary since he was the bishop of Krakow. Its second-in-command is 
another Polish archbishop, Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council 
for the Laity and the author of the pope's most important speeches. 

Dziwisz is much closer to John Paul II than were the previous papal 
secretaries, Pasquale Macchi, with Paul VI, and Loris Capovilla, with John 
XXIII. Pope Wojtyla's infirmity and difficulties in speaking have expanded his 
role even more. During the first days of the pope's recovery in the hospital, 
no other head of the curia who rushed to visit him had access to his room, not 
even the powerful cardinal Giovanni Battista Re. Dziwisz was the only one who 
stayed at the side of the illustrious patient day and night. And in the 
following days, when the first visitors came to the pope's bedside, precedence 
went to the churchmen in his secretary's good graces, like the bishop of Terni, 
Vincenzo Paglia, a member of the Community of Saint Egidio and an aspiring 
successor to Ruini as the pope's cardinal vicar. 

Nevertheless, the presence of cardinal Ruini in St. Peter's Square at the 
Angelus of February 6, and to a greater extent a key passage of the message 
read for the pope, disprove the claim that John Paul II doesn't decide anything 

It's the other way around. Some matters are closer than any other to the heart 
of pope Wojtyla, and he wants to continue fighting for these with a resolution 
entirely unhampered by his physical frailty. 

One of the questions fundamental to him is "the defense of unborn life." 
Cardinal Ruini was in the piazza precisely for this reason: February 6 was the 
"Day for Life" in the Church of Italy. And the pope said in his message: "I am 
at the side of the Italian bishops." That means, concretely: at the side of the 
strenuous defense of the inviolability of the embryonic person, who is 
threatened by the upcoming referendums against law 40/2004 on artificial 

Among the typically Wojtylian battles that have distinguished this pontificate, 
the defense of life is almost certainly destined to continue with his successor 
as well, unlike other matters that will slip into the shadows, like the 
interreligious meetings such as the ones in Assisi and the "mea culpas." 

In the conclave that will choose the next pope, in fact, if Ratzinger himself 
is not elected, it will in any case be someone upon whom he will make his 
authoritative guidance felt, in agreement with Ruini, the other major elector. 
Both are convinced that the relationship between the Church and the modern 
world will be decided by what they call the "anthropological challenge," the 
confrontation between the Christian vision of man and the one that reduces him 
to a part of nature. 

Other than the present cardinals, the ones John Paul II might soon create would 
also enter the conclave. Expectations are that he will elevate these cardinals 
by June, or October at the latest. Among those who will certainly receive the 
purple are: Rylko; the archbishop of Bologna, Carlo Caffarra, a convinced 
adherent of Ratzinger's views; and the new archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, 
Angelo Comastri. The latter was the preacher at the 2004 Lenten retreat for the 
pope and the curia, and he held everyone spellbound, beginning with Dziwisz and 
Rylko. As the archbishop of Loreto, he met John Paul II on his visit to the 
Marian shrine in September. The Polish friends of pope Wojtyla favor him as his 

The new entry of Comastri could bring to three the number of Italian candidates 
for the papacy. The other two are Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Milan, and 
Angelo Scola, patriarch of Venice. 

Tettamanzi has never made any secret of his aspirations, and counts on 
combining the consensus of the moderate and progressivist wings of the college 
of cardinals. He advanced in Wojtyla's shadow, as the author of his speeches on 
the family and bioethics, but for a few years now he has put these topics aside 
and taken aim at globalization, plutocracy, and media hegemony. He has the 
support within the curia of Cardinal Re, and outside it of the network of the 
Community of Saint Egidio, whose initiatives of ecumenical and interreligious 
dialogue he has adopted. But he has lost the much more decisive support of Opus 

In the Vatican, the Opus Dei cardinal most active in view of the conclave is 
Julián Herranz, a great jurist and the president of the Pontifical Council for 
Legislative Texts. Ratzinger's leap to the top of the list of candidates for 
the papacy is also due to him; it took shape at the suppers for cardinals that 
Herranz organized at Opus Dei's heavily guarded villa in the Roman countryside, 
or at his new apartment behind St. Peter's Square. 

The rise of Scola's candidacy also owes a great deal to Opus Dei, which 
co-directs the "Marcianum" institute of studies founded in 2003 by the 
patriarch of Venice. Scola's intellectual formation took place in the wake of 
Ratzinger, so as for the cardinal of Vienna, Cristoph Schönborn, who is 
frequently cited as another candidate for the papacy. Scola is also gaining 
credibility outside of Italy, partly through a brand-new magazine in five 
languages, including Arabic and Urdu, "Oasis," which is sent free of charge to 
all the cardinals and bishops of the Middle East and the Muslim parts of Asia. 
But he is still far from garnering enough consensus. 

In short, two or three Italian candidates might enter the conclave and jockey 
for leadership, as happened between Giuseppe Siri and Giovanni Benelli in the 
memorable head-to-head of the second conclave of 1978, the one from which a new 
man, Wojtyla, finally emerged. 

If that scenario plays itself out again, the new man this time will be a Latin 
American cardinal. One of these stands out above all the rest: the Argentine 
Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 69, archbishop of Buenos Aires, a man who 
combines intense spirituality and authoritative strength. 

Ratzinger chose Wojtyla in 1978. His choice will be decisive again this time.

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