On Tue, 2021-06-15 at 23:31 +0200, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> The freenode staff deleted the #poppler channel and all the registered
> users, so I've edited the webpage to now say libera.chat instead of
> freenode.net
> I'm sorry I didn't get to discuss this before implementing it, but
> given the super bad behaviour by the freenode staff the action needed
> to be taken immediately.
> If someone has any reservations about libera.chat and would prefer any
> other network please let's talk about it :)

My reservations with libera.chat is the the lack of legal or
organizational structure¹, so Libera Chat might suffer the same type of
takeover in the future. That has been a reason for other projects (like
Mesa) to choose OFTC instead.

To quote Mesa folks²:

   After considering Libera and OFTC as options, the board settled on
   recommending OFTC. The primary reason for this is because OFTC is
   associated with our parent foundation SPI, and has a long and well
   known history of involvement with the open source community. As well,
   the board believes OFTC's current Governance model is a lot more clear
   then Libera's.

¹ or unknown to me when I made my mind
² https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-dev/2021-May/225271.html

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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