On Nov 24, 2013, at 11:37 AM, Robert Scheck wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am forwarding a message of Christoph Anton Mitterer (Cc'ed) which was
> reported at Red Hat Bugzilla. However this does not feel for me like a
> downstream thing but more relevant for popt upstream, thus relaying it:
> ----- Forwarded message -----
> Hi.
> The manpage has the following table in the section "1. THE OPTION TABLE":
>       Value               Description                        arg Type
>       POPT_ARG_NONE       No argument expected               int
>       POPT_ARG_STRING     No type checking to be performed   char *
>       POPT_ARG_ARGV       No type checking to be performed   char **
>       POPT_ARG_SHORT      An short argument is expected      short
>       POPT_ARG_INT        An integer argument is expected    int
>       POPT_ARG_LONG       A long integer is expected         long
>       POPT_ARG_LONGLONG   A long long integer is expected    long long
>       POPT_ARG_VAL        Integer value taken from val       int
>       POPT_ARG_FLOAT      An float argument is expected      float
>       POPT_ARG_DOUBLE     A double argument is expected      double
> Apparently all types but char* and char** (i.e. int, short, long,
> long long, float and double) need to be pointers to the respective types.

This is obvious from context (with just a wee bit of thought).

There is no way to reference external storage in C code from a table without
using a pointer.

73 de Jeff
> Cheers,
> Chris.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> Foreign references for this request are:
> - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=666248
> - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=811804
> Greetings,
>  Robert

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